"This jobs too hard" (thanks Kermit) :P

Aug 20, 2003 19:45

Alrighty then, the story thus far. Daymion I totally dug this guy he broke my heart. I find out later that its cuz hes at a 'really low point in life and the world is crashing down on him.' He told me hes sorry and I really do belive him. All of my friends think hes the biggest shit head to come into my life. To quote a dear friend, "why are you still taking to that ass clown?" To be honest I dont know why I still talk to him. I care about ppl and once I start to care its almost impossible for me to give up on someone. So, hes getting another chance. We were hanging out the other night, and I feel like I acted like a total bitch. I just let all the pain he has caused me come out in a very immature way. I feel like I rubed the good points of my life in his face. I am not that person and I don't want to become that person. All he wants is for ppl to care about him. Bah so I am left with a broken heart and trying to fix someone elses. I guess its funny really even though he caused me pain I still want to make him feel better. Why do I do this to myself? I was telling Chirstie today that all I wanted to do was bitch slap him. She told me to do it. Although it was funny and would prolly make me feel a hell of a lot better I think its best not to open that can of worms. Anyhoos, I guess I just needed to vent a bit. Daymion and I are going out in a bit, I really hope that I can make him smile even if its just for a moment. I know it will brighten my day. :)
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