I’ve stalled, for the time being, on 26/06. I’ve read very little this week. Maybe I'll use this weekend to catch up a little.
I had a bit of an epiphany this last weekend. I read what was, for a long time, my
favorite book , and though I can't put it on my list, it very well might explain why I’m such a Modernist.
David Cross is awesome. A bit long - but funny and interesting.
The other day, at work, I listened to Michael Silverblatt’s interview with Joan Didion -
NPR’s bookwork podcast . I know I’m only a few months into the year - but I’m certain this will be among the best books I read in ‘06.
First off - when I heard
Anya Kamenetz on NPR sometime last week I had no idea she’d be so startlingly beautiful. I want to read
Generation Debt: Why Now Is a Terrible Time to Be Young - if only because it may explains why my generation is so fucked and all of my friends drink too much.