I've been seeing some interest from podficcers in my works due to my Blanket Permission to Podfic policy (you can find podfics of a few of my Adam ficlets on AO3!) and I was wondering if any of my fellow Adam fans would like to throw their names out there for podficcers who might be interested. I really enjoy listening to podfic myself, so I'd love to see more for my favorite minor character.
FYI, the
Blanket Permission to Podfic article offers a good description of what I mean when I talk about Blanket Permission.
To give Blanket Permission, just reply to this post with your permission statement and (optionally) a link to your master post. Blanket Permission generally means any story you've written is fair game, so if you have caveats (for example: only fics you haven't co-authored, only specific fics, only completed fics/series, only fics in a specific fandom/ship, only fics you've posted to AO3, any fic except for one particular title) be clear about it.
If this post receives any interest, I'll pimp the list out to the podficcer communities. There's no guarantee that anyone will take you up on your offer, but Blanket Permission authors have a much better chance of being discovered than authors with no policy at all. Most podficcers I've talked to are actually a little shy about approaching author's for permission.
Permission granted by:
astrild / lady_astrild | Policy | Master Post