(no subject)

Jun 04, 2003 21:49

I got my new cab. Now I have all the gear I need. I miss being in a band, I miss the stage and watching peoples faces after a song is done. I miss packing up my gear and I miss talking to people and meeting people at shows that love the band I was in at the time. I miss meeting people after we play, that was the best part, having people coming up to me after we play, shaking my hand and telling me how much they loved our set. Asking what there name is and then seeing them at other shows and talking and hanging out with them. Way to much fun. I want to go on tour again and I want to record another record. I want to sell the CD's, Shirts, stickers and any other merch that the band I was in at the time had. I love seeing people walking around with old shirts of bands I was in. I need the people....I need the music and I want to rock. No crazy metal stuff for me this time, more soft music. something that will make you cry, then get mad, then cry again for being mad type of music.

I'm a little scared, my Mom is going to the Dr, she's getting checked up on something that is wrong with her blood. If it is what they think it is, she might die. I don't want my Mom to die, I love her and I would miss her too much. I'm just crossing my fingers.

I got my car buffed and waxed today, it cost me like $80 and me waiting around for 2 hours but let me tell you, it was worth it! My car looks like new and it's an 86!! haha the inside is all clean and they cleaned up the bean mess that happened after the party Saturday.......OOHHHH shit, I forgot to say anything about this....
Check this out.
After the party we went to some place where I could wash my eyes out. Then we were on our way home and we all stopped at a 24 hour filaburtos. I got this dinner plate. But my friend Chris knew some people that was there, they said there was a party right around the corner. I may have been maced but I wasn't out so we drove over there (I wasn't the driver, I was way to drunk) we walked in and it was this small little jock party, I stuck out so bad with all my stuff pierced and tattooed. So I let Chris talk to his old friends and we wanted to get out of there. But when I was walking out there was this HUGE trophy case by the door filled with HUGE jock trophies. Me being the drunk ass I was I think it's a good idea to steal one of these trophies hahaha Plus I was bigger then any jock in there so I wasn't scared of them. So walking out the door I grab one, not the biggest one, but bigger then any trophy I have ever gotten. I run out to my car the put it in, Chris comes out of the house, me yelling to him to hurry up, then a jock comes running out of the house, running straight to my car, Chris jumps in and smashes my dinner plate everywhere in my back seat (hints why I had beans in my back seat) the jock guy jumps on top of my car while we start to drive off, I start freaking out cause I kill anyone that fucks with my car. So we turn a sharp corner and he falls off onto the street, rolling and rolling hahahaha Then we went to Justin's house and I tried to eat some of my smashed dinner plate....I pain $9 for that shit, I'm not going to not to get at least one bite out of it! Then I pasted out. FUN FUN FUN FUN!
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