so derpderpderp, first everythings when it comes to writing and goldfish are always a shitjob so im gonna keep this really crappy and short. i'll probably post some personal shit here and there but i'm not expecting to go 'dear diary, my life is a complete mess... bawww' anytime soon.
expect my posts to be about sims-related content which includes mysim updates, great CC finds, deadly bugs, sim rants, and all the ol' other shit that has sims in it. just to give you some sort of totally shittyawesome hint on what i lean towards, i tend to go for the cheesy sims player who posts boring shit. after discovering
GoS, i'm slowly tipping to the alternative themes of sims.
alternative themes include pretentiousshitgrungey, emoprickdarkish, and nuclear war. i suddenly got obsessed with vintage/retro or alternative from a s3 aspect after hopping on the Fallout 3 bandwagon.
who doesn't feel pretentious after playing such an awesome game despite all those fans dedicated to the fallout series bitchin' a load about it? it's like that beatles musical movie where everyone who didn't like them magically started to like them for a while. (guilty here)
it's such a magical feeling right? you gotta admit that. it's as if you're a new version of yourself afte-- and I'm lost in my thought. what were we talking about? oh yes, i more or less adore the sims series. i fucking worshipped the of the series as it somehow hotglued my ass to the computer chair for months.
then sims 2 came along.
not to be the ugly buzzkill in this happy blog post, but it didn't have the magic of sims 1 for some reason. it has that odd unexplainable statement hidden inside it's picture that yells "IM GONNA BURN YOUR MONEY BY RELEASING EPs AS SOON AS YOU BUY ONE." I don't know bout you guys but I never really liked it. the quote sounds kinda
familiar... anyways, it's 12:30 now and I'm reallly sleepy, night.