Coming of Age in Lima: MASTERPOST

Sep 26, 2010 22:26

Title: Coming of Age in Lima
Rating: PG (some violence, some swearing, some mild sexual content).
Characters: Fiona Hudson, ensemble, and the odd guest star.
Total word count: 45,600 (~3,000 per chapter).
Summary: Fiona Hudson does her best to fit in, and her friends do their best to help her. But then Mr Schue talks her into joining Glee and a whole lot changes, for both better and worse.

Notes: First of all, massive thanks go to alicebluegown16, who a) put this prompt out there, b) wrote what is the first gender-swap Glee fic that I have read (the first in the fandom?), c) allowed my to brain dump on her and then asked a lot of questions that really helped me to get my head around Fiona Hudson, and d) made invaluable contributions to the soundtrack of this fic. If at any point you see a song in here and think "ZOMG that is a perfect Finn song" I can guarantee that she suggested it.

Second thanks go to my tolerant friend hopenight, who put up with me going "Can you proof-read this epic fic for me? Great! Get it back to me in 24 hours". And she got through it in less than half that time - she is truly amazing.

Third and final thanks go to my bff prpledwarfmonke who sat next to me while I posted all of these chapters and then went through and formatted them, and never once complained about what a lame host I am.

Chapter 1. In which Fiona introduces herself, high school sucks, and Glee club is formed.

Chapter 2. In which Glee is at the bottom of the social ladder, Puck is a jerk, and Fiona makes some friends.

Chapter 3. In which the Glee club gets picked on, Quinn stakes a claim on Fiona, and Rachel comes up with a plan.

Chapter 4. In which the Glee kids get into trouble. A lot of trouble. And Kurt saves the day.

Chapter 5. In which things get awkward, Mr Schue’s secret comes out (of the closet), and Puck tries his best.

Chapter 6. In which shopping happens, juice is drunk, and Fiona hates underpants.

Chapter 7. In which Fiona does homework, Mr Schue skips class, and hospital visits are made.

Chapter 8. In which Puck is a pussy, Mercedes is a diva, Quinn drops a bombshell, and Rachel has a picnic.

Chapter 9. In which someone auditions, Fiona’s underpants get her into trouble, and everybody yells.

Chapter 10. In which Fiona is a bit of a creeper, and then plays basketball.

Chapter 11. In which Carole is awesome, Fiona gets busted, and everyone is snappy.

Chapter 12. In which Kurt is a domestic goddess, everyone has their own soundtrack for success, and Puck doesn’t sext anyone.

Chapter 13. In which Fiona has a daring plan, Pick sides with Fiona, and everyone is nervous.

Chapter 14. In which this turns into a song-fic, Mr Schue gets a clue, and nothing ends neatly.

And the YouTube playlist for this fic can be found here

masterpost, glee, coming of age in lima, fic

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