Mar 21, 2006 13:07
So, my last spring break, come and gone.
Alas, poor Yorrick. I knew it well. Or maybe I didn't know it all that well. Usually Spring Break consisted of driving to some place exotic like Cedar Rapids Iowa (ooh) or just staying here in NE, and I can assure you that, at no time during any of these did I see wild and wooly college girls baring it all for a Girls Gone Wild party. I'll probably regret not going on one of those trips some day when I'm 40. For now, my wallet thanks me.
Started off break by working (wooh, party!) I ran an experiment at UNMC where I stuck sponges with rfid tags embedded in them into a freshly sacrificed pig, attempting to see whether the tags would still read. Results were mixed, but I learned some things (and got an X-Ray of my RFID tags as a souvenier.)
Then I bummed around the Ladd's house for a few days, pretty much doing my own thang, before catching the flight to Phoenix. Phoenix was tranquil, which was just the way I liked it. Peace, quiet, and time to read. I'm almost done with the Fellowship of the Ring, and I'm astounded to discover that, now that I've done some background research on Tolkien, his writing isn't nearly as indecipherable as it used to be (also, it helps that I'm reading during the day rather than right before bed, I would imagine.) I'll post up pictures from the trip, including pics of the Fountain Hills "World's Tallest Fountain" being turned green later.
Went and saw V for Vendetta during the trip as well. It's a good flick, especially if your political bent leans towards the Anarchic (or if, like me, the sound of Hugo Weaving delivering long winded philosophical or political speeches makes you happy in inexplicable ways.) It definitely delivers a message that's good for the general populace to consider in a political climate where the Patriot Act just got renewed and the president was, not that long ago, asking Congress for authority to use the military to enforce law on American soil in the event of an H5N1 pandemic.
Left sunny, 50 degree Phoenix. Landed in foot-and-a-half of snow Omaha. Awesome. At least Spring Break ended up effectively getting stretched by 2 days, and we get to skip one Physiology lab (worthy of celebration, in and of itself.) Also, saw in the mail my official notification of acceptance into grad school as well as a notice that I had won an NCV fellowship. Yay money!
Anyways, that's about it. See you next time. England Prevails!