Title: Black Bird Wings
Author: K-Lee
Summary: Adam can't escape the fact that he was born into the Great
Prophecy. But what if someone else is born into it too?
Rating: PG (For now)
Warning: Sex in later chapters
Notes: I do not own anybody. These fics are based on Greek mythology.
~Chapter 2~
Kris looked down at the triangle-shaped parchment that was the Great
Prophecy. "I am not sure," he admitted. Adam nodded. "I guess we will
figure it out." Neil spoke up. "You're not really going to do this are
you?" Neil's voice didn't have that asshole tone it usually had,
instead it had sounded sincere. Almost afraid. Adam smiled at his
younger brother. "I cannot defy the gods, my brother. Do not fret, for
if I do not come back, you will be the king. That is what you want?"
Neil had nodded, but still looked about ready to cry. "Prince Adam,"
said Kris," We must get you ready. We have to find the third member.
The Great Prophecy says we have until the end if the month,
before.......well we will talk on the way." Adam held up a hand. "King
Allen, please let me first say goodbye to my family." Kris nodded.
"Very well, I will be outside."
Adam turned to his family. He walked up to his father. King Lambert
stood and hugged his son tightly. "Be careful, my son." Adam nodded
and moved to his mother. His beautiful mother. He would always see her
as she was on that day. She hugged him even tighter. "Take care." Adam
nodded and stood in front of Neil. Neil had tears in his eyes. "Don't
leave. I know we haven't been too close but...... Adam just promise me
you'll be safe." Adam nodded once and choked back tears. He hugged his
brother, and even though he did not want to let go, he did. He smiled
at his family and walked outside. His horse was already saddled up and
his men were in their positions. Kris nodded in his direction. They
went off and as Adam looked back, he cried harder than he ever had.....
Kris heard Adam's soft cry. He didn't say anything though. He knew the Lambert's were a close family. He sighed. He had never had that problem. His father was always away and his brother was always in battle. His mother died when Kris was only five. He never really knew her. He always remembered her laugh though. After a couple of minutes, Adam's horse was next to Kris's. Adam's face was red, but he still managed to look as if he could fight anything. Kris cleared his throat. "Prince Adam-" "Call me Adam." Kris nodded. "Adam, I know it must be hard for you, though I could only imagine for I have not had the same exerience as you, I hope you are consoled when I say I am truly sorry and if there was anything I could do, I would have done it."
Adam smiled. "Why sound so.......intelligent? I mean, everyone knows you are. We can talk like two people, not business men." Kris nodded. "Sorry." Adam grinned. They were silent for a while. "So," Adam started," Do you have any idea where to look for the third person?" Kris shook his head. "He could be anywhere. We just have to try logic." Adam grimaced. "I hate logic." Kris stopped. "Logic is the key to everything. Strategy helps you win a battle and strategy comes from logic. You can't seriously think that logic is an irrelevent thing, because I tell you, Sir Lambert, when you are face to face with an ogre or a troll, you WILL need logic." Ada, held his hands up. "Sorry, didn't know you'd get so defensive with logic."
Kris sighed, "I am sorry, it's just.....my brother had went to battle without a strategy. I remember giving him a whole battle plan, but he refused. He said he was better than logic...." "What happened?" Adam asked. Kris looked at him. "He was killed." Adam nodded. It would be harder than he thought to figure out Kris. Adam looked at the small man next to him. Kris was beautiful and Adam's heart could not help but beat faster just thinking about the fact that they were no less than 4 feet apart. Adam smiled to himself and walked proudly to the front. No Lambert has been known to follow....
The blonde man sat slumped against his chair in the library. He hated school. Before he could grab the book and bang it against the teacher's head, the teacher turned. "Do you know the answer, Mr. Ratliff." Tommy Joe Ratliff rolled his eyes. "No, Duh, It's A times B square plus five B." The teacher pursed his lips. "Fine. Sit up straight." Tommy rolled his eyes again. Being the only son of eleven daughters was a pain. The Ratliffs were the only royal family in Delphi. The next royal family was miles and miles away. Thebes. The Lamberts thought they were so superior. Tommy hated them. Though he never actually met them, he still felt disgust at them. He sighed and sat lazily on the chair, one foot dangiling over the chair and the other on the floor. His arm was above his head and he prayed to whatever gods were there to get him away from this torture......