Being able to be in a safe place. In my imaginary lj world, we all sit around on comfy couches and talk all day. But moreover, 'here' means with your friends who care about you - whether that's in rl or online.
It was like that for me, I guess, only the way I see it, we sit on comfy couches and talk like at a party, but it's one of those parties where someone invited tons of angry divas and people who used to date other people's lovers and - a lot of nasty looks about and....
Yeah ;)
*Hugs* - I'm not really sad or bitter or anything, luv, it's just the way I speak.
Here with us. Here in your journal, in our own when we're commenting back and forth. In chat where I love getting to talk and spend time with you. Just here, letting us in to share your life with you, even in this little way.
I value your friendship, I value your outlook. I think you're a good, talented, caring person. I love your fiction writing but if you never shared another word with us it wouldn't matter. I value YOU most of all.
Forgive the rambling, hopefully this makes at least a little sense.
Yeah ;)
*Hugs* - I'm not really sad or bitter or anything, luv, it's just the way I speak.
I didn't think that you were being sad or bitter.
Here with us. Here in your journal, in our own when we're commenting back and forth. In chat where I love getting to talk and spend time with you. Just here, letting us in to share your life with you, even in this little way.
I value your friendship, I value your outlook. I think you're a good, talented, caring person. I love your fiction writing but if you never shared another word with us it wouldn't matter. I value YOU most of all.
Forgive the rambling, hopefully this makes at least a little sense.
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