Well, I don't have a purse...

Mar 16, 2009 22:22

but my sportcoat/suit jacket and pants pockets generally contain:

Cell phone
Car/house keys
Sunglasses (magnetic mount to my glasses)
Pocket handkercheif
Very small wallet containing credit card, debit card, health insurance card, and driver's license
A stack of paper money folded over itself a couple times
Small, thin moleskine notebook
Cross roller-ball pen
Folding knife
RFID badge on retractable belt clip thingie (retracts up under my jacket)

Laptop bag contains:
Legal pad
Power cord
50 ft type III paracord (well, about 47 feet now)
10-in-1 screwdriver
8gb thumbdrive
ziploc bag of mixed nuts
GoF _Design Patterns_
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