
Jul 19, 2009 12:27

I love to drive. Love it. Longest stretch I ever did in one shot was 13 hours non-stop (2 gas fill-up breaks and a 20 minute lunch) from Memphis to Pittsburgh. And that was after driving from California for about 5 days to get to Memphis. This also included a 6am start to go to the Grand Canyon, a 3 hour hike part-way down into the Grand Canyon, driving to Monument valley and spending a few hours there and then some hotel searching adventures in Albuquerque around 3am for a 21 hour day total. Nothing is more satisfying that filling your day so completely.

The trip I just came home from was similar in that I drove an amazing amount of road and had amazing experiences in in a 24 hour span. One of my very best friends is a director for the Office of Catholic youth. He wanted someone he could trust to drive a singer/songwriter they hired to perform at an Archdiocesan Youth Rally. Since I love driving, I accepted. Getting paid to do something you love is the best! Sarah Hart from Nashville was great company and we became fast friends!!! When she raised an eyebrow at Dill Pickle and Ketchup chips, I bought one of each. She wasn't fond of the Ketchup chips but she described the Dill Pickle chips as a flavour party in her mouth!

I dropped her off at the Martyrs' Shrine and my friend took me on a tour. It was glorious! A very impressive piece of property with an incredible lookout! I had to hold on for dear life as my friend drove insanely around the grounds asking youth if they had been to confession yet. We took one of the volunteers to confession and it was interesting to see the open air confessional at work. Followers were sprinkled across the lawn giving their confessions. Interesting to say the least!

After my tour, I hit the road and made it to Algonquin in about 2.5 hours. That only left me a comfortable 2 hours with my friends to eat pork belly, rice and a few shots of tequila and coke. Then another 2.5 hours drive getting back to my hotel room at 1:20am. Thankfully I found a radio station that was playing an upbeat dance mix to keep me dancing and bopping the whole drive home. Had to be up at 6:30am to drive Sarah back to the airport.

Sarah and I had some great talks both to the Shrine and heading back home. I have a better understanding of certain things after hearing what she had to say which has allowed me to have a better understanding of myself. That type of thing doesn't happen too often. And to think I had all expenses paid, earned some cash and made a wonderful new friend! Amazing.
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