Jul 13, 2004 19:01
I have probably seen the most exciting events that have occured in Hania in the past 25 years during what has thus far been a 2.5 week stay. In addition to the Euro Cup win, the Olympic Torch passed through town yesterday. Although I had to teach a class during most of the activities (fireworks, bands playing, etc.), I did join the crowd lining the street to see the runner past with the torch. Again, Greek flags were being sold at every street corner, (just like during the Euro games). The Greeks sure do love Greece, and they won't let any of the thousands of tourists in Hania leave here thinking otherwise!
In case you find a cheap calling card and want to say hello, my cell phone number here is 011-30-694-669-6661. There is a 7 hour time difference.
seriously missing Taco Bell and Starbucks...