[Transit] Son of Pog

Sep 14, 2008 17:35

Okay, as promised, here are some more pictures of the pogs I created, plus some of my battle maps. There are more pictures listed in directory form, too.

First, the setup. Here's the box I keep them in. You can get one of these for like $2 at Jo-Ann's. On the right is the 1" craft punch I use. Also, some of the power cards I printed out for the players' quick reference during play.

The first big scene was at the Orrery. You know, one of the things at the right, but built 20-feet tall.

The Orrery is the orange thing in the middle. The map shows the party up on a small mesa. The green blobs are trees. The brown lines represent the steep cliff face. You can see the City Guard coming up the trail with the fey knight in front. See the red and yellow discs under her? I painted up some extra discs in primary colors to use as markers for various powers. We tended to use red to signify the "mark" ability of the fighter and paladin and yellow to signify the "quarry" power of the ranger.

Here's a close-up of the fey knight marked by the ranger and the paladin.

Here is what they look like in action. Notice how the PCs' pogs stand out because of the blue bases. In this particular picture, the party is being escorted from their bullshit trial to their cells in the deep, dark dungeon below the Verathi palace. They're being marched down toward the bottom of the picture.

I reconstructed these picture today. They're not actual in-action shots from the game but they're similar. For example, when this battle started, the messy blue lines on the map weren't there. Those were added as the white dragon iced up the floor, later on.

Note how the archer at the bottom has the protection of the portcullis. He was a pain in the ass for the party.

A close-up. Here you can see they are surrounded by guards (mainly women, since most of the men in this world died at war). It's hard to tell, but the dark gray pogs have a picture of the "we're not to leave the room unless we're with 'im" guards from Monty Python's Holy Grail. Those pogs were the tougher fighters. At top left is one of the archers.

The party is entirely surrounded. This mattered a lot in play. When Sapphire and Richann tried to break away, they ended up taking a number of opportunity attacks from the human guards, who had ceremonial axes (much like halberds, but without the reach).

Another close-up before the fighting started. The circles with X's in them are large pillars. The pentagrams are statues (the big one is a smithy who had a giant maul that Palias grabbed to fight the guards). The weird room at upper left is an oubliette -- in essence, a giant pit with a boom crane used to cross it. The orange blobs in the middle are the fires in the forges. After the dragon put the fires out, they used the chimneys to escape.

Here's a re-enactment of Bruno (the scowling guy in the red hat) and Sapphire (the fair maiden archer) beating up one of the archer guards. Sapphire wanted his bow. Bruno wanted the daggers on the weapon rack marked by brown X's on the bottom left. The portcullises were down so the archer at far right had cover and protection to harass them constantly.

So they eventually defeated those guards and even rested a bit, but that annoying archer ran and pulled the last-resort lever, which opened those huge double doors (in brown) and released a young white dragon. Palias and Zerix got in its face a lot. Bruno tried to help Zerix flank it but it kept shifting. Our warlord, Richann, gave support from the safety of the hallway for a while; then Palias threatened to kick her ass himself if she didn't get in there and fight.

Here's another shot of the same, all close up. Really, Sapphire ended up way over by the portcullises, unconscious. This is just a mock-up of the battle.

actual play, transit, dnd, gaming

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