Post-AdamCon Report

Jul 02, 2008 12:48

This past weekend was AdamCon. About 20 people showed up over two and a half days and we played 14 games or so.

The New Jersey people arranged to arrive Friday night. indie_insurgent (Rob Bohl) arrived and showed me a preview of the Misspent Youth layout, and it's awesome. A few locals joined us later. Mostly, we just hung out and geeked about Firan. Rob was patient about that, as he's not a Firan player. We finished the night with an episode from Season Four of The Wire. When everyone got tired, Steph and I took the 2-hour season finale up to our bedroom and watched it till 4:30 AM. We're Wire junkies.

Saturday morning, I dragged my ass out of bed around 11, showered, and headed downstairs to wake people up. Mostly, people were already up. I straightened up the house and prepared for the onslaught of gamers. I hand-washed some dishes -- our dishwasher decided to go belly-up on Friday, whee -- and got people to collect their gaming clutter and suitcases in a single place.

Around noon, I figured out who was willing to GM games that day and threw together an impromptu sign-up sheet for players. We decided to run three four-hour slots. I think we filled all three slots with three games each, but I cannot for the life of me remember all of them.

Noon-4: D&D Keep on the Shadowfell (Adam), Misspent Youth (dikaiosunh), Primetime Adventures (jeisen).
4-8: carry (Adam), Shock: (indie_insurgent), ?
8-midnight: Shab-al-Hiri Roach (Adam), ?, Primetime Adventures (jeisen)

Steph and I ended up staying up late with people, watching a few episodes of Season Five of The Wire (junkies, see?), then we crashed. I was up again at 11 and repeated the same morning routine to get people out of bed and get the house cleaned up. The Alexandria contingent arrived and I strong-armed people into GMing games because it seemed like I was the only one prepared to run anything.

Noon-4: "The Scryer" -- my D&D 4e take-off of The Wire, Dogs in the Vineyard (bobson), Notre Dame (Mona)
4-8: Primetime Adventures (jeisen), Primetime Adventures (indie_insurgent)

I'm told that the Dogs game went very badly (not Dan's fault). I convinced Steph to play in Jon's PtA game with me and that was fun.

We started kicking people out of the house around 9 PM. A few people stuck around to help clean up, and that was super cool. I had a great weekend but it left me totally exhausted. Thanks to everyone who made the weekend possible, especially stephdray.

4e, misspent youth, carry, adamcon, pta, con, gaming

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