[Iron MACE Game Chef] Rules

Oct 27, 2006 16:35

Since I'm attending MACE and I have been enjoying the game design contests lately, I entered the Iron MACE Game Chef contest. I was nervous as this is my first "Iron Game Chef" (IGC)-style contest. The IGC style is sorta like the Iron Chef tv show. When the contest starts, they give you lists of "ingredients" to build a game around and you have two weeks to complete it. In past contests, I've been turned off by the ingredients list so much that I couldn't imagine creating a game I'd ever play from them. So I was a bit nervous entering.

Well, luck is with me. I love the ingredients!

This year, there are two ingredients lists. You must choose one item from the first list of four, and choose two items from the second list of four.

LIST ONE: THEME - Choose One of the Four Below:
  • The game focuses on athletic competition.
  • The game focuses on artistic competition.
  • The game focuses on intellectual competition.
  • The game focuses on social competition.

LIST TWO: RULES - Choose Two of the Four Below:
  • The game requires the use of playing cards.
  • Character death is explicitly off the table/not addressed/outlawed in the game.
  • Resolution requires a single die size (Ex: "Only d4", or "Only d12", etc)
  • No humans appear in the game.

I'll use this icon for all my IGC posts, in case you want to skip them if you're a judge or disinterested party.

igc, contest, mace, game design, gaming

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