(Play Time)

Jul 02, 2005 13:17

The skies horizon of a blended blue and orange, orange fading into the deep ebony of night. Last nights sprinkling of rain still clung to the windows, beading them with morning dew. Beyond the glass doors of the Emma Frosts loft roared the morning life that scuttled about New York City at five in the morning. Within, a gentle calm clung to every surface and inch of skin of all nestled deep within the loft. The floor was still littered with rose petals from nights before. The dinner had been taken away and thrown out, only one given to Laramie as a treat for his puppy-training.

The candles had long since burned down into their bases, all the wax cleaned up and tossed into the trash. Small dog toys lay strewn about the floor, scattered to the far reached of its walls.

Adam lay in the same bed he’d slept in for the past three days. His dusty brown curls of hair lay mused, flattened against his head in some points, sticking straight out in others. He lay curled against a woman, serene and beautiful. Platinum blonde hair lay poured out over the pillows of off white and baby blue. An arm about her waist and body against body. Skin to skin. At the foot of the bed lay a black and white spotted puppy, also sleeping away the morning hours.

The mans eyes flutter slowly open, blessing the chilled morning air with two deep hazel eyes. As reality slowly faded into his subconscious Adam’s brows furrowed. Something was trying to get his attention. Something had woken him up from a very peaceful and albeit cozy sleep. His head turned, looking up over his chest to the dog that lay near his feet. Sleeping. He rolled onto his side, nose nuzzling the back of his lovers neck. Sleeping. Slowly, so as not to wake the sleeping beauty, Adam put himself into a sit.

Eyes took gradually to the bedside table. Something moved. Barely, but it moved. A hand lifted to rub his eyes. Blinking again, he looked to the table. His cell phone was going off. Alright, he thought. I must have a call. A hand moved forward to pick it up, freezing about an inch from him.

I can’t get calls in this world.

He picked up the phone flipping it open. Anna. A thumb pressed the talk button.

“Miss Anna?”

A familiar voice etched out from the speaker of the cell phone and buzzed into his ear. As the voice of Annaliese Trüble hummed dully in his head, Adam let go a healthy yawn, a small silver ball sitting at the center of his tongue. Eyes squeezed together, opening with a brisk blink.

“Wait… What?”

His brows furrowed as he gave a stifled swallow, head turning to gaze about the bedroom.

“Shit... Alright. Transfer it through.”

Adam’s glance took to Emma as she slept, listening to another familiar voice murr through the speaker of his cell phone.

“It’s Douglas. What’s wrong?”

His voice was stern, official, and momentarily without the usual heavy southern drawl. His brows furrowed again, deeper. Eyes slid to a close.

“Derrek, you have… the worst timin’ for telling me this…”

A long and heavy sigh breathed outward, Adam flopping backwards onto the bed. An arm lifted, fingers gently gliding along Emma’s arm. He pouted softly, eyes playing along her contour, easing over every inch of her arm and the back of her head. Rolling onto his stomach, he crawled on elbows and knees to her, letting a leg straddle her waist.

“How did that happen? I mean… He’d have to’ve been trying to do somethin’ wrong in order t’ get that close t’ the machine. And it was entirely ripped off? Yeah, he was definitely doin’ -somethin’- t’ that machine.”

Wedging the phone between his ear and his shoulder, the man proceeded to lean down, planting small kisses over Emma’s shoulders, neck, and jaw line. He sat up, taking the phone in hand once more.

“A week!?”

His voice quieted, looking down at his lady. Adam sighed deeply again, a hand rubbing his temples.

“Well… I kinda had plans. No. No, it’s fine. I’ll be there as soon as I can. Yeah. Just… Hold off the hounds ‘til I get there…Yes, thank you, Derrek.”

The phone closed with a sudden urge to hurl the device across the room and to a wall. Instead, it was placed against his forehead, eyes closed in furious disappointment. Tossing it behind him, Adam leaned down, arms wrapped to the sides of his lady, slow and gentle kisses nuzzling to her warm skin.

“Emma… Emma, baby, wake up…”
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