Hannah and I went and saw Dan Deacon last night, and the experience encapsulated everything I love and hate about Bloomington. The place was sold out and there were all these bitchy preppy girls and some Arab dude in a nice 3-piece suit writing an essay in the middle of the crowd and 8 foot tall drunk college frat boys standing in front of everybody and some insanely annoying bitch with short hair and pigeon feather tattoos who bragged about being a vegan for 5 years, commented on every second of every song that was played, and said the line "man, I need a cigarette in one hand a corndog in the other and I'd be in Heaven." so loud that everybody could hear her make that remark over loud-ass drone music that one of the "artists" was playing. I'm assuming that's a VEGAN CORNDOG, eh? Also, there were bugs everywhere and flyers about riding your bike to help out Moby. And red lights. And some guy with a drum. It was fun! Hannah and I danced to a black-light strobe-light skull and everybody looked like a Disco Stu ripoff with too much facial hair. There was a crystal cat! Also, the show opened with two epic drone bands. Crazy.
short # 10: scream
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-i2MNte4pU&feature=channel_page Just a simple video showing a silent scream.
short # 11: phone calls from "friends"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gD6IQNUlzks This was just an experiment in mixing live action with "animation". The phone calls are from the girl in the video above.