
May 24, 2009 18:02

private | unhackable:

I can be angry all I want. I can hate him all I want. I can even hate God if I want. Sometimes I think that I do. But it's not going to change anything. There are more important things to be thinking about right now, and I'm not going to let it bother me today. I'm not ignoring it. I'm not. I know there are problems. I know there are things that we have to take care of. I know that there are things that we have to be ready for, and I know that there are a lot of things that I need to fix, but for one day I'm not going to think about it. For one day I just want to feel normal.

I think everyone from home has earned it. For all of the crap that we have put up with, and for all of the crap that we're going to have to put up with. If here is the only place we're able to forgive each other, to grow and change in ways that aren't lies and always be around, then I'll take it.

That doesn't stop me from worrying about Blair, though. And that doesn't stop me from remembering that I'm never going to die and everyone else is. None of it really changes anything, but I'm not thinking about it today. I'm just not. I think I earned it. I think we all have.

friends | unhackable:

Don't ask, just eat them. I made about a million, and you have to eat them all or I'm going to end up eating them all and then turning into one.

For anyone who's new to this whole cupcake thing, I do this a lot.

Despite not updating in FOREVER, I've got a couple things to point out. Unfortunately, I'm not going to be doing them in list form because A COUPLE PEOPLE ripped me off, and it's important that I stay original.

First of all, in case people hadn't noticed, we're in a circus. I think there is a tent somewhere. I've got the sudden urge to blast Britney Spears from the speakers in the living room and give all the guys I live with identity crises. But I feel like it could potentially be worth it, especially if there were top hats involved, and especially because I know Hiro enjoys a little Britney.

Second of all, it's weird how small things can make so many bigger things seem completely insubstantial. I know people have cliches like 'it's the little things that matter' and 'less is more,' even though that one is usually applied to make-up, but there's a reason that they're cliches and a reason that they get used so frequently. I know that people around here have been having a rough couple weeks - a rough month is more likely, actually - but I hope some small part of everyone is at least a little bit happy, or is at least trying to get there. It's hard to find and hold onto in this place sometimes, but there are always reasons to be optimistic, even if it's hard to pinpoint because you're currently a dancing pony.

Lastly, smile. It's so much easier to do than frown.

PS. If anyone makes fun of me for this, I'll sit on you.

...Okay fine, one tiny list.91. I think I've got a list addiction. Do they have a psychological term for that?
92. In eight more numbers, I'll be off lists forever.
93. Even more important personally than having ghosts running around, and especially because it's really belated, I'm sorry if I got really awkwardly truthful with people at the beginning of the month. Some things are just supposed to stay behind locked doors, but this place wouldn't really be this place if it stayed that way.
94. What is your favorite summer dessert?
95. Anyone need one? Anyone? Bueller?
96. He's been quiet lately. I finally found him in a coffee mug.

[ooc: friends = anyone with a heart in her profile. For once. Mohinder is to blame for bright eyed optimism. How did that happen?]

mohinder is the stubborn one, eden is the pretty one, dinosaur is cool, bight eyed optimism, everyone ever, my own private freakshow, baked goods forever, caspian is my bff, zach is my clarissa, matt is the smart one, cupcakes are for winners, hiro is the sexy one, peter is the best uncle, idc i do what i want, luke is the mean one, lists are neat, chuck chuck chuck a duck, it's julio's fault, too many tags get out, accidental crazy person, jamie jamie bo bamie, sylar is the mysterious one, molly is the cute one

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