Apr 24, 2008 18:23
^_^ I'm guessing you've figured out what has made me so freaking happy.
Wahoo!!!!! OMG, I'm working for Stephenie Meyers', James Patterson's, David Baldacci's, Jacqueline Carey, the Bronte sisters', and Harper Lee's publishing company! Granted, the last four are dead, but STILL. There are a whole bunch of fabulous authors handled by Hachette, too, and... I'll meet a few of them! I'm so excited.
I really felt like I would scream in the reception area yesterday when I went back for my second interview. I was standing there, holding Stephenie Meyer's latest book IN MY HANDS. It's called The Host and It's still on pre-order in Amazon. When the Executive Director for marketing arrived to see me to my next interview, she says to me, "If you end up working here, you could get an advanced copy of that." I was thinking that meant I might be able to get an advanced copy of Breaking Dawn. Lol.
How exciting!
I'm in the process of negotiations now, but dang... their offer isn't bad at all, it's just principle that I have to ask for more, is all!
::Clicks heels and squees::