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Adamant Entertainment's website. Please leave any
comments there.
As reported earlier, Adamant Entertainment’s Gareth-Michael Skarka and T.S. Luikart have both been selected as Industry Insider Guests of Honor at this year’s GenCon in Indianapolis, August 16th-19th. Our seminar schedules as part of the program have been finalized and are now viewable to all attendees, so we figured we’d give a run-down of our seminars here.
Thursday, August 16th
Homebrewers Guide to RPG Worldbuilding: Noon, ICC 210. Admit it: Sometimes the fun of a game is not playing the game-it’s building the world! RPG designers sit down and talk about how to make your world sharper, more exciting, and 10 pounds lighter. Wolfgang Baur, Kenneth Hite, T.S. Luikart, Richard Thomas, Rodney Thompson.
How To Publish A Game Without Going Broke: 3:00pm, ICC 210. Want to publish your own tabletop RPG? This panel goes beyond Kickstarter, we’ll talk about everything from motivation to finish the game to how to source printers. James Ernest, Dominic McDowall-Thomas, Elizabeth Shoemaker Sampat, Gareth-Michael Skarka.
Working With Licensed Intellectual Properties: 3:00pm, ICC 211. Industry Insider Guests of Honor discuss the issues and pitfalls of working with someone else’s property and dealing with fan expectations of said property. Steve Kenson, T.S. Luikart, Ryan Macklin, Stan!
Kickstarting Your Game Q&A: 6:00pm, ICC 210 Join our Industry Insider Guests who will share tips and tools for using Kickstarter to get your game project funded. Dennis Detwiller, Matt Forbeck, T.S. Luikart, Elizabeth Shoemaker Sampat, Gareth-Michael Skarka.
Friday, August 17th
+5 Sword of ePublishing: 1:00pm, ICC 210 The games industry was an early adopter of the digital publishing business model. Join our Industry Insider Guests as they discuss ways you can bring your game project to life as a digital release. Wolfgang Baur, Susan Morris, Gareth-Michael Skarka, Stan!
GM Tips: 1:00pm, ICC 211 Our Industry Insider guests give GMing 101 advice on how you can improve your game. An open discussion and Q&A, so bring your questions! Tavis Allison, T.S. Luikart, Dominic McDowall-Thomas, Rodney Thompson.
Freelancing in the Game Industry: 2:00pm, ICC 210 Want to write for games? Our Industry guests have years of freelancing experience & will share their wisdom on how to find work, how to get more work, & how to succeed as a game industry freelancer. Matt Forbeck, Steve Kenson, Ryan Macklin, Gareth-Michael Skarka, Christine Stiles.
Saturday, August 18th
Doing Kickstarter Right: 11:00am, ICC 210 Talk with successful Kickstarter publishers on how they did their Kickstarter. Topics discussed are: lessons learned, mistakes made, and plans for the future. Ryan Macklin, Gareth-Michael Skarka, Richard Thomas.
We have also submitted a seminar on Far West - if it is approved, it will appear in the on-site program book.
Beyond that, Adamant Entertainment will be able to be located at the Cubicle Seven booth in the Exhibit Hall. Drop by and say hello!