Well, I think the meal is almost ready.
Essy and
Celly have been such a help. The
Frogmorton Goose is ready, and let's see
what else we have. I think that should do nicely.
To have Mousie here, and Bingo and his sweetie, and his Primula--you know, I'll never get used to this alternate universe thing since it's nothing that I would have imagined when I was a hobbitling, but the things you learn to take in stride as times change, oh my!--but I'm glad to have so much family back here. It's too bad Sennie, Melba, and Folly couldn't come, though. The Smial has been empty of late--not that Essy and Celly haven't been marvelous company, but it's time hobbit folk stopped wandering who knows where and came back here and filled the place like it was meant to be. But Tooks always did have a bit of the wanderer in them, I suppose.
But tonight, tonight we'll make a proper feast.