Dec 18, 2007 02:25
While it could not be determined to any satisfactory degree whether or Lord Asriel spent the majority of his time outdoors out of love for the changed climate or distaste for the institutional hulk of the compound, the fact remained that this was invariably the way his days were passed on the Island.
He found a particular taste for the terrain near the base of the mountain, and especially at its far side, where traffic was sparse. Stelmaria would prowl the rocky ridges above his head, slinking silently after animals of various shapes and breeds for the sheer sport of it. Unlike one of her feral counterparts, however, she contented herself with bloodless play.
On this occasion, Asriel busied himself in tracking a bear - one of the great white beasts he'd glimpsed from afar in some of his early explorations. They were undoubtedly not the sentient ice bears of his world, but rather a dumb and cultureless variation on their ilk.
But in a world where things of interest stood out of one's grasp, one...took what one could get.
[ For Adora Belle. ]