12/7: Trash Tour with ABC's 20/20(!) and Freegan Meeting

Dec 06, 2005 03:52

ABC's 20/20 will be accompanying us on a trash tour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is Freeganism?
Freeganism = living beyond capitalism.

In a society of massive overconsumption, enormous quantities of usable resources go to waste. Through dumpster diving, squatting, guerilla gardening and other strategies, freegans transform waste into resources to meet real needs, allowing us to live our values of ecological sustainability, cooperation, & sharing while reducing our contribution to capitalism’s abuse of humans, animals and the earth.

To further explore freeganism go to www.freegan.info or email adam@freegan.info

What is a trash tour?
Trash tours are guided explorations of the refuse of our overconsumptive culture. We extract useable commodities from the refuse of retailers to both illustrate the incredible wastefulness of our throwaway society and to teach people a practical strategy for surviving without economically contributing to the human, animal, and ecological exploitation inherent in the production of the commodities we use. In the midst of a society that worships wealth and competition, we collectively gather and freely share wasted goods to serve real needs, rather than inflate profit margins.

Wednesday, December 7th, Freegan Meeting and Trash Tour
Join us for a meeting to discuss spreading freegan values and practices. After, we will visit nearby supermarkets and other shops for a dumpster diving tour. The meeting is NOT open to media, but ABC's 20/20 will be attending the trash tour.
When and Where?
The meeting is at 7:30PM at Happy Time deli on the east side of 5th Ave. btwn. 35th and 36th Sts. in the rear seating area. To just come for the trash tour meet us at 9pm in front of the grocery on the west side of 3rd Ave. btwn. 38th & 39th Sts.

If you intend to come to the tour, PLEASE RSVP. A supporter has prepared some media strategy documents for us, so that we can answer questions effectively if asked them by the 20/20 correspondent during the trash tour, and we will email these documents to anyone who will be coming. These make some suggestions about effective ways to articulate our message, but should be considered a guideline only.

Any one of us may be asked questions, so we encourage everyone to be prepared to communicate clearly and effectively on this issue and evaluate and adapt the media strategies to our uses. It will be a big help if everyone comes to themeeting before the tour even if you normally don't because we will be spending some time prepping to be interviewed during the tour.

Of course, attending the meeting is not required, and IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE INTERVIEWED though, that's ok-- just let the reporter know that during the tour and refer them to someone else. No one should feel discouraged from attending simply because you don't want to talk to media.
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