Jumping on the future fic bandwagon!

Jan 09, 2008 17:06

From the second Remus Evan Weasley was born and opened his clear blue eyes, Adam was fiercely smitten. He always figured that when he became a father he'd have those same feelings all parents did; desire to give his child more than he had and be a better father than his father was. And he did, but there was something else too; pride and admiration.

Adam was convinced he had the coolest, most wicked baby ever. Adam was sure that by the time Remus was six weeks old he could wink. When he was one, he started demanding rides on daddy's shoulders. When he was one and a half he loved to flash thumbs up and give five. When Remus was two he could spell his first name. By the time he was three he was making up and singing songs about how much he loved his Mummy and his Aunt Becca. Little Remus was quite the gentleman; he managed to charm almost anyone who saw him, even beyond the normal cute baby boy kind of charm.

Around the time Remus was two and half, a new weekly routine emerged. Every Saturday morning Adam and Remus would go run errands and bring home brunch, while Emma got some alone time. Remus would always insist on getting mummy a surprise while they were out so she wouldn't be sad that she had to stay home. Adam and Emma found this adorable; someday he would learn that to a mother of young children, two hours alone was the best gift she could get.

This particularly Saturday morning, Adam walked down High Street in Hogsmeade with his three year old son atop his shoulders and shopping bags in his hands. Identical manes of red hair blew in the wind. Remus clutched a grimy crayon covered scrap of construction paper in his tiny hands, like it was the most important thing in the world.

"What's next on our list, Remus?"

Remus gazed at his piece of paper as if reading the unruly crayon marks. "Candy?"

"Ah yes, we'll stop and get some sweets. After that, we have to get haircuts. We promised Mummy."

"Okay daddy! We get haircuts. And then have bruwnch?"

"That's right." Adam smiled up at him.

Father and son entered the nearest barbershop and sat down in the waiting area. Two many horror stories (and experiences) kept them from charming their hair themselves. Their barber was a nice middle aged wizard called Martin. He was quite good and gave Remus (and Adam, let's be honest) a sucker the size of a beach ball if he sat still while his hair was trimmed.

Remus sat in Adam's lap and chatted happily about the lilies they picked out for mummy until a teenage boy with a mohawk walked by.

"Thanks Uncle," the boy called to Martin with an American accent. Remus was silent and staring at him. The boy winked at Remus and exited the shop.

"Daddy! Want hair like him! Want hair like him!"

Adam beamed. That settled it; his son was the coolest three year old in England. "I don't know if mummy would like that, Remus."

"Please daddy? Please? You can have my lolly! And mummy would like it. She told me I was handsome no matter what."

That did sound like something Emma would say. Not that it mattered, Adam could never resist the pleading voice. Besides, Remus wouldn't be the first Weasley with a desire for a mohawk.

When they arrived home an hour later, Emma had set the table and was waiting for their return excitedly as she did every week. Remus was bouncing with excitement as he barreled through the door and into Emma's arms.

"Mummy, mummy! I got a mohawk! Aren't I handsome?"

"The most handsome boy I've ever seen." Emma kissed his cheeks and looked over at Adam who was sheepishly mouthing 'I'm sorry.' "You look just like your daddy."

Remus gasped with excitement. "Really? Daddy's really handsome! I love daddy!"

"And I love you," Adam smiled, kissing his son's forehead and running his fingers over the spikes on his head. "Why don't you go unpack our shopping while I talk to mummy?"

Remus ran out the room and Adam turned to Emma who just burst out laughing. "Adam, I knew this day would come, I'm just glad it was when he was three and not sixteen like someone."

"Uh huh," Adam said, slipping his arms around his wife. "Now all we have to look forward to is the day he proclaims he loves beets."

remus evan, future timeline, emma, baby, fiction

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