Characters Adam Weasley and Emma Crouch
When The last day of school before Christmas Holidays, Adam's 7th year.
ETC Happy Christmas from Adam to Emma.
Dear Emma,
These past few months we've been together have completely changed my view of the world. My world has grown to include so much more than just wizards and Hogwarts and London. I almost feel like I've under gone some sort of fine tuning, some kind of treatment to reconnect with myself and with the world. You, Emma, have opened my eyes to feelings I didn't know I could have. We haven't been together that long but I know I love you, I know I want to be with you as much as I can. I know there is no one else I could feel this way about.
I wish more than anything that the school holidays wouldn't have to separate us because you, Emma, are such a very important part of my world now. (Can you guess the theme of this letter, darling?)
I picked out this
necklace for you because it's made with all elements of the earth; sea glass from the ocean, quartz from the mountains, granite from fiery volcanoes and lastly heart, as the man who made it is nearly blind, his love of gemstones and beadwork lead him to complete the project. Shortly after Christmas if you'll have it, I want to steal you away and take you to see any of these elements you desire. Just the two of us, because now that we're together, I'm sure the rest of the world can fall into place. That's my real Christmas present to you. I'll even help you convince any family members that might need persuading.
Once you're packed come meet me at the bottom of the staircase. I have to see you before we get on the train. Saying I love you for the first time in a note just won't due.
Happy Christmas Emma Grace.
So very much yours,