(no subject)

Dec 07, 2007 22:11

Prompt: Epic

Adam ewrites a letter to his new friend Minerva a few weeks after she takes him flying and then dances with him to his new record. As suggested by Minerva!mun, she finds and reads the letter many, many, many, years later and is very confused.

Dear Minerva,

How are you? Are you excited to go home for the Holidays? I bet you miss your family when you are at Hogwarts (even if being a Gryffindor is probably the coolest thing EVER and probably distracts you pretty well.) Today I played Quidditch with my cousin James with my practice broom. Mrs. Alice gave it to me, I forget if I told you about it, anyway, it WAS so much fun, I played keeper and Uncle James (James is a common name in the Potter family for some reason) played chaser for his team! It was a tough match, I bet if you were there, your team would have won HANDS DOWN!

Ever since you took me flying, I have not been able to think about anything else except flying AGAIN. I am even sort of jealous that Hermes gets to fly to deliver this letter. Actually not really because he's old and kind of mean. Anyway, I can't wait to do it again sometime. Lately it's been snowing a lot and been very windy and cold. I guess that's cause it's December. Have you ever flown in the snow? I bet it would be extra fun! The snow would wip fast our cheeks and sting our noses. We'd be soaked! It would be so AWESOME! I guess it's probably dangerous to fly like we were before in the kind of snowy Decemeber wind we're having, but I would do it anyway. Sometimes, I care less about danger if its only me that something bad could happen to instead of other people. My dad would think that was really stupid, but then again he hates all kinds of dangerous stuff, even things are only slightly unsafe. He says he's already lived through enough dangerous things in his "epic" life that he likes safe now and wants safe for me. How BORING is that? I'd rather be flying!!

Hope to see you soon! (I got another new 45, with muggle jazz standards on it. Maybe we can dance again!)

Adam Ginevro Weasley.

10_letters, childhood, mcgonagall, minerva

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