10_letters prompt 24b: Triangle

Nov 15, 2007 19:22

Adam writes to Stella about 3 weeks before Emma tells him she likes him and they go on their first date.

Dear Stella,

I don’t know why I’m writing to you. Well, no, I do know why I’m writing. I know you have your own very busy life and I probably shouldn’t bother you, but I wasn’t sure who else to talk to this about. I trust you and I know you won’t tease me. Okay, you will tease me probably but that’s a chance I’m willing to take. I’m sure you have more important things to deal with right now, so I apologize in advance. It’s just… you were here first, right, and you don’t know the people I’m going to speak about, and well, if you were here right now, you’d be the one I want to talk you. You’d listen to me talk.

Right, I’m getting back to the point. There’s this girl. Yes, those three words that no one ever thought I’d say, I’m saying them. There’s this girl. She’s a Slytherin, like you, Stella. She’s amazing really. She’s beautiful, and funny, and clever. She smiles at me and my breath catches. Not only that, she’s not a prissy girl. I’ve seen her go flying and hiking without a thought about being dirty. I’m so taken by her. And I see her all the time because she’s one of my best mates. That’s the thing, Stella, are there rules about these sorts of things? I’ve known her since I was little and I was always fond of her. Lately though, something’s changed and I feel much more that just being fond of her.

There’s more though, Stella. More I wish I knew the rules about. Her brother is a good mate of mine. Guys aren’t supposed to date each other’s siblings are they? I don’t have any siblings so I don’t know. Harry is very angry at her brother too for reasons I only sort of understand. Would it be betraying him to date her? I don’t want to betray my best friend. Emma, this girl I’m talking about, she’s another one of my best friends. What if I date her, Harry gets upset and then Emma and I don’t work out? I will have lost two best mates! I don’t even know if she fancies me back. I’m ahead of myself, but I just can’t stop thinking about her. I think I might even be in love with her.

I see her right now sitting down at the Slytherin table. She’s caught the eyes of so many other boys. I’m going to make a fool of myself, Stella. One way or another I just know it.

Please write back as soon as you can.

Love you,


10_letters, hogwarts, emma, stella, harry

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