Aug 31, 2009 14:50
so my brother and his fiance are trying to hook me up with the fiance's younger sister.
I'll be walking with her during the wedding ceremony, alright, it'd be good to meet her, but I'm not all crazy about being set up with someone when the most I get told about her is "she's just like you" which, coming from someone who doesn't know me that well, isn't very reassuring.
so they even go to the extent of bringing her to my work yesterday (alright, fine, it's not like I can run away, right?).
she's cute, actually, and kinda short, but she's a little bit too much likely in one respect.
granted, being quiet is something I've been trying to work on, and there's not much you can say in a situation where you're thrust upon another person with no knowledge of who they are (they only told her that I like Converses.)
if I might digress a little, however, being confronted by such absolute silence sort of put the shoe on the other foot. I know kinda what it was like for my ex girlfriends, and now I feel sorta bad about my habitual silence.
anyways, it's a bit of a moot point, because she lives 2 hours and 45 minutes away, and I don't have the cash to even consider a relationship with a girl that far away.