Sep 10, 2007 00:21
What a great word. And if it isn't a real word already, it is now. And if it is a new real word, copyright 2007 Adam Tupper.
I felt the need to rename my cats. Why, is probably the first question. Well, there are a couple of answers to that so we'll go through them as quickly as we can. First off, my ex-wife/crazy lady named them, and since she is officially persona non-grata, it was not just necessary but essential to rename them.
Secondly, their names never really fit them to begin with. Sure, naming cats after Egyptian gods and pharoahs makes sense in a way (Egyptians respected and warshipped felines), but my cats' old names (Hatschepsut and Bastest - Hat and Bast for short) were...kinda dumb. People always gave me the one eyebrow up "I see." whenever I'd tell them the cats' names. This irritated me considering the fact that I am known for my awesome naming skills when it comes to things and people.
Thirdly, they never really answered to their old names anyway. Sure, Bast kind of knows her name, but really she's responding to the sound we make when we say the name, something that can be easily transcribed to any other name. Why I could (and did, occasionally) call her horrible things when she pissed me off, and she responded the same as when I was trying in vain to get her to come to me by calling her name. Hat is even worse. We never called her by her name. It was always 'kitten', 'you', or 'you little bitch'. I'm pretty convinced she's more comfortable with 'you f**king whore of a cat' than 'Hat'. However, I have no wish to name my cats after least not anymore.
So what are their new names? Sheena came the closest when I told everyone I was changing them. Bast will henceforth be known as Mystique and Hat will be known as Rogue. Not only are the new names cooler (Sorry, but they are), but they fit the cats' personalities much better. Mystique is a name fit for a mystery cat, and my tortie is definitely hard to read most of the time. Rogue is apt for an animal always on the run, always willing to fight and never playing by the rules. My grey cat fits that description to the letter.
So there you go. Now all I need is a dog named Colossus, another cat named Shadowcat, a parrot named Archangel and a hampster named Beast and my x-pet collection will be complete! And before you laugh at me, my roommates' cats are named Disco and Tec...that's right, Discotec. They're a U2 cd just waiting to happen!