To Everyone!

Sep 17, 2009 01:57

   My name is Adam Leon, and I live with my wife in Detroit Michigan. 
   I'm an aspiring novelist, currently working on a trilogy, called "Eternal Stranger," 
detailing the fictional life of a mentally unstable anti-hero, as he struggles to find purpose
in a meaningless existence. Writing its passages has been an exhilarating and fulfilling
process, however I occasionally reach a creative barrier during it, which I cannot overcome.
My solution to this problem is to free-write in the meantime, to keep my writing from
growing stagnant, but this idea seems somewhat pointless; so I've decided to free-write
letters to people all across the world.
   The recipients of these letters could be anyone who asks for them, including you. If such
a notion interests you, simply send me your mailing address, with your name--even if its
an alias--and I'll put you on the list for future recipients. You could be anybody. I have no biases.
Each letter will be like a little fragment of my life, signed and dated by me. You and I will be the
only ones in the world with the original copies of your letter, and it's my hope to have enough
letters written, so that I might be able to publish them as a book one day.
   I should give a word of caution to people whose ideologies are not open to debate; since
I believe that this is still a free nation, I thus refuse to censor myself for anyone, or for any
establishment, or for any plausibly deniable concepts. I live my life in the constant search for truth,
no matter what the consequences are to my own emotional sentiments, because I cannot happily
or purposefully live my life in the boundaries of a lie, and my work is basically a product of my
deepest inner-reflections.    
   If you send me your address, I'll send you a free letter via snail-mail, as soon as I can; depending on the demand, and the amount of time consumed by the previously mentioned trilogy; I'm also
looking for a part-time job to support my wife and I, while she goes to an exorbitant Art School.
There are many factors determining the amount of time it might take for you to actually to receive
a letter; all I can say, is give me your address, and please be patient. If you like this idea, tell
your friends. The more people that request letters the better!
   I hope to hear from you soon!

You can contact me at

fun, writing, letters, life

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