May 18, 2005 06:58
The hall-sized room errupted into cheering and laughter from the students. The elderly man at the front of the room, in his glasses and vest, was less than impressed.
"Sorry for being late, Sir," Adam said as politely as he could, nodding his head.
Professor Chapman watched in silence as the two boys found their seats before continuing his explanation of how Aristotle came to see the differences between vertebrates and non-vertebrates without knowing about the vertebrates. Of course, he explained it better than that. Tim sat down to listen, while Adam turned around to chat with some mates behind him.
"Good on ya!" One of them grinned stupidly.
"...and with the viviparous quadrupeds..."
"Will you lot shut up?" Tim hissed. "We can discuss Adam's pansy nature later on."
"Ah, come on Timothy, you're not missing out on much," replied Adam casually. "He's just talking about birds with rediculously long names."
"Give him two seconds and he'll be onto that birds' history." Remarked one of the men behind them.
"Now, not a lot is known about the ..."
"There we go."
The four boys officially tune out. Even Tim - possibly the best behaved student there - couldn't stand it when Chapman got into a rant about somethings history.
"You seen Harry today?" Adam asked the other two - let's call them Ed and Larry.
"You know, Harry was asking the same thing about you," replied Ed.
"Mhmm," Larry nodded in agreement. "Wanted to know what colour your hair was or something."
"Were you supposed to die your hair pink?" Asked Ed with interest.
Tim snorted. Adam faulted.
"Um ... no. I don't know why he would have said that. Maybe he's on crack again."
"Or you said something while drunk again?" Tim suggested.
"Oh, yeah," Ed laughed. "I remember that ..."
"Ha! Me too," Larry chimed in. "Hillarious."
"No, I clearly remember saying I would wear pink head gear of some description today," said Adam, unphased by their mockery (he was, after all, the king of mockery, and wouldn't be king if he couldn't take it as well as he gave it). "There was no mention of changing my hair colour."
The conclusion of the class brought and end to Chapmans fifth tangent, and only twenty minutes of useful notes for the students. As Adam wandered out of the class, someone ahead of him yelled,
"Hey, Donovan! Does your sister mind you stealing things from her wardrobe?"
These words had been carefully chosen so as to cause as much humiliation to Adam as humanly possible. It worked in that it got everyone's attention - those who wanted to see just what this man had stolen from his sister's wardobe turned to stare. Some were slightly disappointed that it was only a pink beanie. Others, who knew Adam a little better, were incredibly amused that it was a pink beanie.
"Harry!" Adam grinned. "It's about time you showed up."
As the five of them made off for the dorms, a squeal of delight came from behind, and they all spun around. Two young women hurried over to them - one had the most enourmous grey eyes you'd ever seen, with a cute little grin, much like a schoolgirl's, while the other had a rather excentric look on her face as she ran towards Donovan, blonde hair falling into her face.
"Adam!" The blonde one squealed unnecessarily, as she jumped into his arms and made a grab for his beanie.
"Hey," Adam pulled her hand away. "No touching."
"It's religious object," agreed Harry.
"Aw," the girl pouted. "You look so girly!"
"Yeah," laughed Harry, "that was the idea."
"Where're you going?" The blonde one asked of Adam, pouting.
"No where without you, Vinny!" Declared the boy.
"What about Ellis?" Vinny asked.
Ellis tilted her head and beamed at Adam.
"Of course Ellis can come too," Adam said, tugging at her brown hair gently.
"It's unbelievable," growled Larry from behind Adam as they moved off. "With the stupid hat, he still gets more girls than us."
"He is a lot more good looking than us," put in Ed.
"He can also hear you," added Tim bitterly, glowering at the pavement.
"Oh, Tim," Ellis turned around and gave him a pitiful look before latching onto his arms.
Ed and Larry gave Tim a 'traitor' look before falling back behind them. It wasn't Tim's fault - he didn't want this girl hanging off his arm, no matter how good looking she may have been.
"Tiiiim?" Ellis whined.
"What?" Tim asked, as gently as he could.
"I'm cold," the girl complained.
"Yeah," Tim stared at her sleevless dress. "I'd imagine so."
Ellis hit him playfully over the head. "You're supposed to give me your jacket, you know."
"Whoa!" Adam turned around and grabbed Ellis' spare arm with his, deciding to intervene before Tim said something that would earn him a slap. "I just thought of something, girls!"
Tim could have shot himself. He was now a part of this linking arm things. It just looked and felt wrong. He found a way out quickly with Harry's dejected look.
"Don't worry, mate," he said quickly. "You can have my place!"
Just like that, Tim swapped places and Ellis frowned.
"And now I have some very important business to attend to." He left.
"Aw, Ellis!" Vinny sympathised. "She really likes him, Adam, it's just mean. Do you think he's just shy?"
It took all the will power of Adam and Harry combined to stop themselves from rolling on the ground and laughing their heads off.
"Oh ... could be ..." said Adam, choking back the laughter.
Adam did walk into Doverman's class later with the pink beanie on. Thankfully for Tim, he didn't enter at the same time or through the same doors, and since he got in first, and Adam's not such an observsnt person, wasn't subjected to sitting near him. Now, Doverman was a middle-aged guy, very strict, very conservative and had very strong beliefs for men and women. Adam, therefore, did not like him. The decision to wear a pink beanie into his class came from a conversation that went a little like this:
"I wish I could just embarrass him in front of his whole class."
"Well, why don't you?"
With a few little bits added, like a bet and mention of a pink beanie, but those are just minute details.
It amused Adam somewhat that it took a whole fifteen minutes for Doverman to realise what was on his head. Apparently pink heads must be something that the man was used to.
"...and who knows what that is? I expect at least one of you does ..."
It was at this point he looked around for a smarter pupil. On failing this, his eyes fell on Adam. It just needed a few minutes for the shock to register.
"Mister Donovan!" He declared. "Why, may I ask, are you wearing a pink beanie?"
Just like school children would have in the in situation, the class burst out laughing.
"You may indeed," responded Adam carelessly. "And I am wearing it simply because today I felt the need."
"To wear a pink beanie?"
"And why is that?"
"It's cold." Adam said. "It's cold and I don't happen to actually have any beanies, so I asked someone if I could borrow this one."
"So why did that 'someone' have to be a girl?" Inquired the Chemistry Professor.
"It wasn't." Adam shrugged.
By the end of the class it was clear that the loathing Adam felt for Doverman was mutual.
"Well done Adam!" Chorused a couple of girls as they hurried past.
"Yeah, well done indeed." Tim said, sounding less than gleeful.
"Ah, we all enjoyed it." Adam smiled.
There was something about that smile, however, the didn't seem so real to Tim. This was extremely strange, because it implied that Adam wasn't thoroughly happy, and for Adam to not be thoroughly happy, the world must've been caving in.
"What's wrong?"
"Ah ..."
"You remember Ellis?"
"No, because my memory doesn't span that far back - what was it? Four, five hours?"
"All right."
"What's wrong?"
"I think she's sick." Adam said.
"Sick?" Repeated Tim. "Like ... what?"
Adam gave Tim a sympathetic look. "Don't feel guily about it."
"I ..." Tim didn't know what he felt.
OOC: This chapter doesn't get a name because I can't think of one and have to go ...
Edit: Finally, about two months later, I give it a name.