(no subject)

Jan 20, 2005 22:51

Once upon a time, there was a little girl and a little boy. One day, as the sun was setting, they decided to take a walk in the woods. As they were walking, the little boy said to the little girl, "Do you see that tree over there? The big tall tree that extends far beyond the canopy?" To which the little girl responded, "Yes, I do see that tree. The tree that is said to reach into the heavens, and those that climb it will be rewarded with eternal happiness."

Then together, hand in hand, and smiling gleefully, the two pranced off through the forest towards the tree that would bring their salvation. As they approached a small clearing in the great forest floor, they saw before them the legendary tree. Up to the sky they both looked, and as far as the eye could see, there were smiling angels and fairies circling, waving down to the children, and beckoning them to come join them in their happiness.

The little boy said to the little girl, "I was always taught by my mother to be polite, my dear. Ladies first!" The little girl smiled and curtsied then made her way to the base of the tree. When she got to the base of the tree, she looked all around, examining the enormous girth of the tree. "Oh where should I start!" said the little girl, and at that moment she jumped into the air, never having experienced such joyous elation.

Upon her landing, there was a loud snap, as a bear trap came to a thunderous crunch around tiny legs. Letting out a blood curdling scream, then little boy ran to her aid, yet he would not make it there. He stepped on a patch of ground, covered with dried leaves, and giving way to even his small weight, he plunged into a spike filled pit, to his doom and damnation. Leaving the little girl above, clamped in a cast iron bear trap, the little girl wept, knowing that now she would starve to death.
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