Feb 18, 2005 23:39
This day was a day unlike other days. Today was the day of Scott's court hearing in which Kristin and I were involved in because we were passengers in his car the night of the accident as well as Bret and Kim. Anyhoo so because of the court dealy, I had to get out of school early which was nice...I was orignally going to stay the entire day at home and just not show up, but Thursday was also the big day for the Parkland Conference computer tournment!!! Well our team didn't do so hot cuz of like two errors ARGH!!!!! but I guess it was fun nonetheless...I wish we put ourselves in a better chance to win, but we probably will take third at worst....So anyhoo, after the competition, I booked it out of school and raced over as fast as I could to Kristin's house so I could go have some lunch with her and scott and kim...We ended up going to cousins after I made it there with a minute to spare :-P...hahahaha...can't help it when I get stuck behind a funeral train and then two old people drivers...Well we had lunch and then we went to Scott's house...
There we watched a little bit of tv as Scott's dad yelled at him to "shave off his beard" hahaha...Well after the small wait, we then all piled into Scott's family's Blazer and we headed downtown to the court house. We arrived there early so if anything the nerves that I had from having to be questioned intensified even more...I felt bad for Kristin because she was getting really nervous about it...i'm sorry girl...:-(...Well finally 1:30 rolled around and we were all escourted into the room where the informal hearing would take place infront of the court comissioner. The case was going by well i'd say but quite boring...Suddenly I am called up as the first witness!!! Somethign I wasn't expecting at first...But I did well in the end as well as Kristin...I'm so proud of her :-)...anyways, after much deliberation on both sides, Scott won 80-20...Which I hear is a good outcome...After court we all were treated to pizza by Scott's family and then after pizza and chats about conspiricies and etc, Kristin and I got dropped off by her house where my truck was, I had a quick goodbye with the girl and then I headed off to work..Work went alright but it was boring and repetitive....They also forgot about my break but it wasn't a bit deal since I got to go home early instead which i'll take anyday...So then I drove home and Kristin called back sometime durning the drive home....We then proceeded to have a very very nice and long chat...1hr30mins hahaha...and then we wished each other our goodbyes and went to bed....
Well not much to report about on Friday...Went to school today where I proceded to have 3 tests today, ouch!!! First came the language test which was nothing but quotes on Macbeth...It was a horrible test and I only knew like 8 out of 15 questions...:-(...It's sucks because I have been actually reading the play but I just don't remember it at all....Then came my second test, my chem two test the following hour...I thought I did quite well on that test except for question one which was worded so bad I didn't understand what it was asking for...Well the rest of the day went by basically until I had my Pre Calc test...Had I not been dazing off during my test I would have had it all done in time...But I didn't so I ended up going after school to finish it all up and then also to do the extra credit on it which im not sure if i figured it quite out on or not..all I know is that it took me a long time to do that so basically once I got home I was right out the door to work, which isn't fun at all!!!!...
Well work was interesting...megan called in so I got to clean up the KC which was fun and a nice getaway from bagging constantly...I also convinced my boss to let me go home a half hour early yay!!! That then made it possible for me to visit my silly girl for an hour before she went off to a movie for the night with her friend Christina...The hour together was so so nice...Thank you so so much Kristin, you don't know how much it meant to me...I cherished that little time we had together as if it was a whole day...it was so so good to see her, even though she was working on her papers from her clinical today, it didn't matter really, just as long as I was able to see her :-)....Well the hour when by fast sadly :-( so then we had a sweet sweet long short goodbye and I proceeded on home....Got home, talked to father for a bit, then played some video games, had some easy mac (ick) but I was starving, and then chatted online for a bit, checked my email and now I am up to date typing this up right now before i go lay down and watch some conedog and fall asleep possibly or possilby talk to silly girl if she goes on too before she goes to bed after her movie...Not looking forward to working tomorrow..especially since it is 730-330 which means I have to get up at 6:30 :-(.....But at least I get to see silly girl at work for all of my shift and then I get to take her and my little sister Kaylee to chuckie cheeses later tomorrow, I can't wait!!!