(no subject)

May 21, 2007 01:48

So none of you went and saw my movie, you wanna know how I know? Because we fucking opened 8th at the box office. That’s bullshit, I depended on you guys, and since you didn’t pull through for me I’m going to have to demand 8 dollars from each of you. It seems only fair, you had your chance to see a movie for those 8 bucks and you lost it because most theaters aren’t even playing my movie anymore. That’s how awful you guys were to me and it hurts. Rachel has to hold me most nights while I cry over this kind of betrayal. You didn’t see my movie which some people said was actually good, but you did go see Spiderman 3 and guess what? That movie was a letdown. Sorry Topher, I feel that Venom was great and from one skinny guy to another, you did a good job, but the movie lacked everything that made Spiderman 2 such a good movie. Way to go guys, way to go. I’m only kidding, I don’t really care if you saw my movie or not, go see Pirates 3 because I know that will be pretty decent. The best thing about Friday’s now is that each Friday gets us one Friday closer to Harry Potter and that’s really the only summer movie I need, besides License to Wed because Jim Halpert is in that and I want to be him.

The 15th kind of marked 5 months for Rachel and I, 5 months is a long time. This is surprising to me and her just as much as it is to anyone who knows us. I guess I am kind of in this for the long run. I actually consider this to be almost a year because we first met in June but our love did not completely bloom until December. I think someone should give her some kind of award because I’m not easy to put up with, ask anyone, they’ll tell you that dealing with me is something worth a life time achievement award. Plus I have refused to shave for the past month and a half, she's kind of angry about it.

I don’t really know what to write about. I think when it starts to get warmer people run out of things to say and I’m one of them.

To all the new people who decided to add me, I guess say hi or something. I’m still at adverbless adam
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