Курс сдал.... Да здравствует новый курс!

May 20, 2013 20:52

Отчитываюсь: Embodied English закончился.... Для тех, кто не в курсе - это курс такой для тех, кто желает улучшить свой разговорный английский. Уровни: upper-intermediate - advanced - high advanced.

Устал как собака. Но если честно - давно не получал такого удовольствия от процесса преподавания. Во-первых, разрабатывать новую методику было безумно интересно - когда еще предоставится такой случай, разрабатывать методику одновременно с 12 учителями. Во-вторых, ученики попались как на подбор - яркие, интересные, шумные, позитивные, с отличным чувством юмора, а главное - с желанием учиться. В-третьих, интерес к курсу невероятный - все хотят придти, понаблюдать - два доктора наук хотят исследования писать... Сказка просто какая-то! А ведь еще 3 месяца назад мне казалось, что ничего не получится...

Новый курс будем набирать в августе. Начало занятий - в 18 сентября. Жду новых студентов с нетерпением.

На фоне позитивной волны, решил, а почему не предложить облегченную версию сего курса в Москве? Пара звонков и дело сделано. Курс открываем с 10 по 20 июня, занятия пон-чет вечер.

Так что дорогие москвичи (и гости естетсвенно), если есть желание улучьшить свой разговорный английскй, подтянуть произношение, интонацию, подправить вокабулярчик и прагматику речи - милости просим. Только в июне! Потом у меня Германия и Франция... Иэх, планов громадьё! Fingers crossed!

Грязные подробности тут :

A Drama/ESL Course for Advanced Language Learners

Course objectives:  Embodied English is a custom-designed intensive course comprising 8 days of group and individual classes that aim to help advanced English learners to move closer to the native speaker ideal in oral communication.

Course structure:  The course consists of three components that focus on elements of communication commonly ignored by most ESL courses.
The first component focuses on such aspects of oral communication as intonation, rhythm, clarity of articulation as well as voice and body expressivity. The second component incorporates close observation and thorough analysis of various samples of native speakers’ verbal and non-verbal behaviour, as it happens in real life, in a TV series, on stage, etc. Participants are encouraged to note the differences between language choices and strategies native speakers of English tend to make and their own way of using English. Finally, the last component comprises acting exercises and games aimed at the realistic imitation and appropriation of the verbal and non-verbal behaviour of a native or highly proficient speaker of English. As part of their training, participants will also work on two contrasting English-speaking characters from a contemporary American or Canadian play and present the results of their work at the end-of-the-course performance. Participants are expected to incorporate the acting techniques they have been taught in order to create a realistic portrayal of the native-speaking characters.
Advanced grammar and vocabulary, while not taught explicitly, will be integrated in all three components of the course and adapted to the needs of each individual student. Continual feedback both in writing (by email) or oral form (through immediate or delayed correction), is expected to contribute to the students’ language development.

Forms of instruction:
·        group sessions, including the final performance  - 21 hours
·        class outings (professional theatre production or film in English, if available) - 2-3 hours
·        one-on-one or pair tutorials - up to 1 hour (more available at additional cost)
·        guided homework - approximately 8 hours

Course Day
Group Sessions
Other Activities

Week 1. Day 1:
1.    Body and voice warm-up.
2.    Mastering Small Talk.
3.    Psychological gesture.
June 10, 6:30-9:30 pm
Note: Arrive 15-20 minutes early to meet other students and teachers
Make sure you’ve completed the course registration form

Week 1. Day 2:
1.    Body and voice warm-up.
2.    Dealing with humour, irony and sarcasm
3.    Actions and subtext.
June 11, 6:30-9:30 pm
Note: Monologues handed out
15 min tutorials before or after the class:
5-6:15 and 9:40-9:55

Week 1. Day 3:
Observation and Noticing:
Theatre Outing.
June 12, 6:30 pm-9:30 pm
Tickets: 750-3500 rubles (not included in the course fee)
The Animals and Children Took it to the Streets by 1927 Theatre Company (London, UK)
Post-show discussion. Place TBD

Week 1. Day 4:
1.    Body and voice warm-up.
2.    Vocabulary choices: Switching between Registers
3.    Given circumstances.
June 13, 6:30-9:30 pm
15 min tutorials  (cont.):
5-6:15 and 9:40-9:55

Week 2. Day 5:
1.    Body and voice warm-up.
2.    Speaking under pressure:
3.    Spontaneity and Order.
June 17, 6:30-9:30 pm
tickets (friends and family are welcome)
Second set of Tutorials (in pars - 30 min)
4:45-5:15, 5:15-5:45,
5:45-6:15, 9:30-10:00

Week 2. Day 6:
1.    Body and voice warm-up.
2.    Speech rate
3.    Emotion and Emotionality.
June 18, 6:30-9:30 pm
Second set of Tutorials (in pars - 30 min)
4:45-5:15, 5:15-5:45, 5:45-6:15, 9:30-10:00

Week 2. Day 7:
1. Body and voice warm-up
2. Review: “Higher Ego”
3. “Dress” Rehearsal
June 19, 6:30-9:30 pm

Week 2. Day 8:
1. Body and voice warm-up.
2. Final Performance and Party
3. Course Evaluation
June 20, 6:30-9:30
Note: Family and friends are welcome to join the performance and final party: 7:30-9:30 pm

To register, call Arina 8 (964) 558-81-56, 8 (926) 548-51-28 (Russian, English)

english, esl, education

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