Feb 06, 2006 01:29
In a glaring summary of the day that God stole, my people, we see the demise of one of our new household occupants (and i talk not of the phantom ankle biting rat); the mistakenly contradictivly named Flash, brother of Gordon.
It was to Flash that we can boldy thank for sacrificing himself to eulogise this day.
***BTW Flash be one of the many inhabitants of a new drama to enter the Kasbah region, making a questionably sane? move to release us from the grasps of our once true deliverer of religion......the TV.....and all it holds.....like Jedis!!!! And i realise that holding on to tension this long will probably result in some off chance, yet to me traditional act...of getting lost. Blindly walking in mud with one eye and a paraplegic bumper sticker lost. But enough of that. By all this i am referring to the introduction of our new Every-Night-Fight-Night Fish Tank***
It is to Flash the fish who's tail gave us hope that he may one day back out of the shell, which he fought so hard for, that we know (after im sure several hours) find that his tail has varied from a sign of hope to a sign of death! The only one visual sign of a lifeless, not so lucky, but rather lame, not even floating and on the contrary humourously ironic passing. See the funny thing wasn't that the only time he left the shell, he died; or that he was probably killed by a fuckin guppy; or even that he lay hidden within a smaller shell blocking the exit of other fish; but....that...(sniffle)....he lay dead smothered in that which he loved......GRIME!!!!
For Flashes grime was his one love and it seems it stayed with him unto the afterlife.....and all the way to the toilet.
So its is our...not so...animated Flash that im going to begin portraying this day.
In a fractured timeline hopingly pretentious David lynch loving way. For no real reason by my part though!
In a sense it was not ony Flash that died today, but also every political sensitivity within the attempted normality of a middle/white urban household gone Nagasaki power frenzy under the pretence of every interpretable angle of 'Fair'. So im guessing most of London.
But yes also my house.
Luckily though such politically balanced environments are known to me....and my secret black ninja cloak of invisibility that just so resembles a cupboard!!!!
So yes, while I impersonated the sneaky moves of Captain Ahab, diving and dodging every morsel of agenda bearing words, while not actually leaving the confinements of my bed, the rest of the surrounding area fell under seige, and by that i mean im damn glad its a detatched house!
Once again though I am alive, and feasting on a concuction of exclusively available (which is a nice way of saying we need a shop) condiments all mixed up.
And so the day ends here with my fish, the peace, any food, my excuse to frantically run around yielding all my weapons at once proving my manliness against nut bearing rodents, all in-house conversation, and the ability to leave my door ajar....STOLEN.
And so i shall steal too.............how about no ending?