Alright just got the little brats results back, was worried about his ummmm........sanity and overall safety around others and it just so happens all our fears our justified!!!!
You're North Korea!
Look out! You're absolutely wacko. Completely insane.
There's no telling what you're going to do, and it could make you a danger to
yourself and others. People are so scared of you that they usually just cover
their eyes and pretend you're not there. The main impact this has had is to
make you even more scary, as you yearn for attention and contact with the outside
world. Everyone just wants you to calm down.Everyone beware of Dan, he is now officially critically treacherous and must be avoided at all costs (supposedly), being in the company of this person may result in fatalaity and hefty insurance claims!
Take the
Country Quiz at the
Blue Pyramid *sigh* I love my friends!