Aug 31, 2004 01:25

Well you probably know this is gonna be a political entry by just the subject, but a quote that I read today by Bush angered me to no end. Usually I try to keep politics away from my lj but this really set me off.

It was this article in the washington post about George Bush and his leadership style and the quote is from Bob Woodward's book "Bush at War" in which President Bush tells him that:

"I do not need to explain why I say things. That's interesting thing about being the president. Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say something, but I don't feel I owe anybody an explanation"

WOW! The president of the united states, who is elected BY THE PEOPLE and all his amenities and traveling is funded BY THE PEOPLE, doesn't owe us an explanation for anything he says or does? Thats one of the most outrageous things I've ever heard in my life. He isn't above anyone, he is a public servant, suppose to serve the public interest your damn right he better give us an explanation for what he says. Its this arrogance that got us tangled up in this mess in Iraq w/o substantial allied support. Does he not want to give explanation for his reasoning because he has none? or he is just to fucking stupid to give one? or maybe he needs Dick Cheney or any of his other goons in his cabinet to give.

Furthermore, in this article, it says Bush is prone to making quick decisions on big issues in which he only discusses it with a few advisors without ever even second-guessing himself. I think this is the worst style of leadership because as a president you deal with heavy issues and one false decision or action can have very bad consequences. You have to know the in-and-outs of an issue so you can make a educated decision. That involves studying the issues and discussing it with other experts on that specific issue.

Another thing, at the Republican National Convention, the Republican party is trying to appear moderate which is complete bullshit when it is obvious by the actions of the president and the party's platform that is very conservative. Run by conservatives who want to discriminate against gays, withold a right of a woman to choose, and prevent further radical advances in medicine by practically eliminating stem cell research. I just can't stand for such horrible policies.

Well enough ranting, I know that some of you who read this support Bush and will probably come back with something wrong with what I have said or how you agree with me but it really isn't gonna change my opinion of Bush or of Republicans or of conservatives for that matter. I could go on and on about how I disagree with Bush and his policies and that I think he has done nothing good for this country. Furthermore, that Bush is a corporate/oil tool/monkey.
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