Feb 04, 2010 11:42
I taught the Pilates class that I take on Tuesday and Thursday every week. The instructor is away on vacation and because I am already an employee and take the class regularly the instructor asked me to sub for her while she is away. It's 4 classes total.
I was really nervous going in today. The class can be pretty intense and I drop out of some of the reps of poses because it burns. I didn't want to do that as the instructor today. I didn't!! (but then again, I didn't up the intensity as much as she usually does)
I made it through a full hour of class and didn't feel like a goof trying to teach. I remembered all my cues for the poses and was able to correct a participant so she felt it where she needed to. I can't wait for Tuesday now!
My new goal is to become a certified Pilates instructor by the end of this year.