Oct 22, 2004 00:35
lalala here i am. it's been a while again and i thought i'd say hi to my lovely little journal.
i'm about to go to bed...much later than expected since i've been home from school since 10pm. i had to do lots of housework though and then got stuck on the internet. i must say it's been months since i've truly "surfed" the internet. which reminds me of something...today we were sitting in studio and tietz gets up and says "i'm going to go surf." and since people in my class do surf (in the ocean) i thought that's what he meant. but then i realized that he meant surf the internet, which is absolutely the cheeziest phrase. i think i will introduce it into my everyday parlance.
today i was extremely sleepy. not tired like i usually am in school where only my anxiety and caffeine keeps me hyper. just plain old sleepy. i even fell asleep during toshiko's lecture. i haven't fallen asleep in class since college. very weird. vince and bill showed up for the eric owen moss lecture. then vince and i went to the korean health food restaurant for dinner. i haven't been able to eat all week, except tonight i actually had an appetite. the last few days i've been subsisting on 1 yogurt and 1 cottage cheese serving per day, plus a shake in the morning. is it possible that my stomach is still upset from being so drunk on sunday night?
...which reminds me...sunday night was the 1st year initiations. this year i helped plan a lot of it. even choreographed a dance number in which 25 2nd-years danced wet and only in towels to a club version of "take my breath away." then i drank a whole lot. well and i drank a lot before the dance to calm the hell down. i had been so anxious about everything, including the video that i shot and edited. we couldn't get the 30+ minutes of video to show because no computer could handle it. then finally we got final cut to print to a dv tape, but when we went to try it out in the dv camera, it was at the wrong frame rate! so we had to use the cassette player, which involved bringing even more relaly expensive equipment into the mix.
oh and last night was crazy. a bunch of us left studio during the 7th inning to see the end of the game. turns out that half of the gsd was also at the bar we went to. i was so shocked that they actually won. vince was going for the yankees, i for the red sox i guess since i dont' really care either way. some guys went downtown afterwards to witness the spectacle, but i just went home. lupe missed me.