My new-found fandom is getting fed wherever I go!
Check out this hilarious (well, in my opinion) comic with a Twilight theme: I went to the bookstore and bought New Moon. The lady at the desk was a fan, and somehow I ended up havng this totally random converstation about a book with someone I didn't know. I know that happens a lot, but it was just SA-WEET.
And I was reading the end of the book, because, yeah, I can't handle the suspense and wanna know what happens. And my Pap came over and he was like, "So you're one of those kind of people that read the end first." It struck me as funny because I never thought of myself that way at all. But it's true! I always skim a book through, but pay closest attention to the end... Random, but HEE HEE!
Since the dream of directing the Eragon movie was squished with the release of Fox's horrible addaption, my new dream is to direct the Twilight movie. (Besides, we don't need *another* ruined addaption. I don't think I'd be able to handle it if they ruined it....) A far-shot dream completely, but hey, a girl can dream, right? Gosh, I have like the color pallete, wardrobe, shots, special effects-- everything-- already planned out in my head. I can see it exactly as I'd want it to play on the screen. I need help. I can't help it. SEND THIS GIRL TO FILM SCHOOL ALREADY, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!
End random rant... or whatever that was called... unneccessary fan girlishness? film fan nut? WTF? Where am I going with this?
*sigh* Later, yo.