The Halloween season is fast approaching and I would like to have a good costume come the time for costume parties. Last year I was Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel, it was an alright costume constructed in a couple days though it had some problems that I'm not going to get into. I'm now trying to think ahead this year and come up with something good so I'm recruiting all my various readers for advice, I'll present my ideas and you can let me know what you think. Just to give you a general base point on what I'm looking like now I present you with a picture of myself from a few weeks ago. Keep in mind I'm willing to alter my hair somewhat but not to the extant that it would hurt job interviews.
Me now
Costume: 10th Doctor from Doctor Who
This is the costume I'm leaning towards.
Pros: I could use the suit in other contexts outside Halloween. I already have the Chuck Taylors, and a shirt and tie that might work. I really like the idea.
Cons: No one would recognize who I am supposed to be. Acquiring a believable (to American ears) fake
estuary accent. The longcoat that he wears sometimes would either be easy or problematic for me to get depending on Goodwill's stock.
Possible Props: Sonic screwdriver and psychic paper, I think it would take too much doing to make the Blazer look like the TARDIS.
Costume: Arthur Dent
Pros: Easy to manufacture (I mean it's not really too hard to come up with some pajamas and a bathrobe). H2G2 is cool, and it's been a movie in the US recently.
Cons: Once again no one will recognize it, and accent problems.
Possible Props: Towel and guide.
Costume: The 4th Doctor
Pros: Assumed more recognizability by my prospective audience than the 10th Doctor. Cool scarf that would come in very handy in a Nebraska winter. Maybe retro-cool? Suit items possibly easier to come by at Goodwill.
Cons: Still not all that recognizable by intended audience. Scarf is/would be hard to manufacture (I really think it would take some time to learn to make a 12 foot scarf) and expensive to buy (on e-bay 72 dollars pre-shipping last time I checked). Accent problems as mentioned above with the substitution of Received Pronunciation in place of estuary. Hair, though I might be able to find a cheap Halloween wig.
Possible Props: Sonic screwdriver, TARDIS mods to Blazer.
Costume: Luigi
Pros: Roommate is considering Mario for Halloween. Just need bibs, a green longsleeve, white gloves, green hat, and fake mustache to pull off. Easily recognizable by audience epically alongside Mario.
Cons: Not horribly original. Who wants to be a sidekick? Not too fun for me.
Possible Props: Fireflower, plunger.
Costume: Johnny Cash
Pros: Recent movie ups recognizability. Once again suit could be used in other instances. Learning Cash songs on the guitar.
Cons: Needing to learn at least one Cash song by Halloween. Not sure I can have enough hair for the style by that time. Lack of the deep voice and singing ability.
Possible Props: Almost necessary would be an acoustic guitar, which I have and would need to be able to at least play one tune on.
Costume: Alton Brown
Pros: Wide variety in dress options. Personal admiration towards the person I would be imitating. Already have prescription glasses.
Cons: Once again recognizability. Costume would be semi-hard to nail even to those who might recognize. Artificial semi-balding process might be semi-necessary or the personal realization that I am balding myself.
Possible Props: Various kitchen utensils. Most needed being his little holder full of kosher salt. NO UNITASKERS!!!
Costume: Roger Clyne
Pros: Admiration. My mom suggested said costume. I know a couple of his songs.
Cons: Hard to nail down a costume that would cause recognition. Not a recognizable figure. Don't have a telecaster or any of the other kinds of guitars that he uses. Being made fun of for hero worship.
Possible Props: Almost necessary: a type of guitar he uses. Long hair that I wouldn't be able to grow in the time provided. Bottle of Tequila.
Costume: Phillip J. Fry from Futurama
Pros: More recognizable than some I've picked. Already have a white T-shirt, jeans, red hair, and black shoes, just need a red jacket that probably wouldn't be too hard to scrounge up. Possibilities for group costumes (who wants to be Bender?).
Cons: Not too much fun in my opinion. Getting other people to go along with group costume.
Possible Props: Popplers? I guess this wouldn't really need or warrant any.
Costume: Eric Foreman from "That 70's Show"
Pros: Aaron suggested it. My mom loves the show. Good group photo. Maybe if I dig through old wardrobe I could find something appropriate otherwise perhaps a trip to Goodwill could solve it.
Cons: Would need to get Pat to play Hyde (Basically need to get him a Zep shirt, a wig, and have him borrow some aviators) and Rick to do Fez to really pull off the group thing well.
Possible Props: None that I could think of.
Costume: Frylock or Master Shake
Pros: To people who watch Adult Swim pretty recognizable and most of the people I know watch Adult Swim. Rick expressed an interest in being Meatwad.
Cons: Costume construction would be difficult for either. Read: More effort than I really want to put into it.
Possible Props: The whole purpose of a prop is to sell the costume, I don't think I would need to do any more selling if I showed up in a costume for one of these that I felt was worthy.
Costume: Dean Venture
(on the right)
Pros: Aaron and Matt suggested it. Fairly recognizable to the Adult Swim crowd especially if I show up with a Hank. Might be mistaken for Buddy Holly.
Cons: Kinda stupid outside of a group theme. Hank has all the more easily distinguishable way of speaking. Not sure I get my voice to hit his range for speaking.
Possible Props: X-1 outfit for the Blazer?
Possibilities sans pictures...
Costume: Absurd 20's era gangster
Pros: Have the costume from an old OM sketch with my Dad's old extremely loud plaid blazer.
Cons: Doesn't feel that creative.
Possible Props: Almost necessary would be a toy tommy gun or sum such.
Costume: Miami Vice
Pros: My dad said he has an old white suit that doesn't fit him anymore. New Vice movie coming out increases chances of recognizability.
Cons: Lack of surety that said suit fits requirements for a Vice costume. Lack of wicker shoes. Lack of desire to try to portray this character. Lack of an 80's hairstyle, lost my mullet opportunity a while ago.
Possible Props: Really not sure here, some flour made to look like coke?
I'm also open to the possibilities of theme costumes if I can get friends to subject to the theme. Themes I've come up with in my head are: Deadwood, Futurama, Scrubs (difficult when I lack a black friend to do Turk), but I'm open to others if they are presented to me.
So anyways your advice is requested, and if you have a good idea that I didn't please let me know. (Read this is your opportunity to play dress-up with a Josh doll)