May 24, 2005 20:23
Call me crazy, but aren't elected officials not supposed to be rude to the people they represent? Everytime I have to deal with our local counsellor, Nina Phillips, she's a self-important, self-righteous, rude, hostile bitch. Seriously, she's in the local paper every wek complaining about something. One week is was about the local bin men. Seems there was an outbreak of the flu - everyone around here had it. So they were short people to pick up the garbage for two weeks. It was snowing, freezing cold, and everyone was sick. So she writes a letter to the paper up in arms about the shoddy service and the bin men faking sick. She honestly managed to get a article in the paper about how no one in North Wilts cares about youth violence - because no one she invited showed up to a meeting she called to discuss it. I've had three dealings with her through work and she's been such a hostile bitch each time. How the hell did that Tory muppet get re-elected???