(no subject)

Aug 19, 2005 00:47

Today we arrived in Charlotte at 9 am and we proceeded in the rain to get keys and unload, where the sorority girls and the frat boys desperately tried to recruit us innocent, niave freshmen. After seeing my room and deciding that it was the most dreadful, horrible, sad place on earth, we went and got our rain drenched luggage (yes, i found out my L.L. Bean bag is NOT water proof). After waiting in line for the elavator (we're on the 8th floor) we made it up to the room with the greek life people battering us the whole way. Our room still looked like the most wretched place in the world. Since it was four days before classes, i seriously douted they would allow two freshmen who didnt like their room to switch. Riiiight. To make a long story short, we took our closet doors off and put up curtains, bought a rug, hung lanterns, got about a million surge protectors, figuring out what "ethernet" (correct my spelling please!) was, and hanging up about a MILLION shirts, our once hellhole of a room is now the envey of our neighbors! This was an invitation, please come visit, we put a lot of hard work into this room (this is the first night i have been in bed before 3 in about a month. We are tired and achy but our kick ass room is well worth it

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