(no subject)

Jan 21, 2007 20:27

I am finally realizing that I am growing up.
This past year, and since I have turned 22, has been huge.
I have realized who and what is important in my life.
I am no longer into things I used to be.
I can't remember the last time I went to a show.
Yes, I love music, and it still means the world to me and can effect me big time.
BUT it doesn't matter how many shows you go to or who you know.
Music should be what matters.
I am keeping in touch w a few of those friends, b/c i know which ones really care.
My main priority in my life right now is school, and finishing college with honors in May.
Call me dorky all you want, call me non-social, tell me i have no life but school-
but you see I'll be the one walking away with a bachelor of arts in graphic design.
Growing up is crazy, it used to scare me to death.
But now I'm ready, bring it!
I am ready for school to be done and for me to have a real job and make good money.
*fingers crossed* on me being a flight attendant.
i'm not wasting my degree tho, freelance graphic design on my off days.
As i have grown too, I've realized the people who truely care about me.
And the ones that don't.
It's a shame, and a HUGE disappointment, but I've seen change in a lot of people and it's sad.
We grow up, life goes on.
Everyone will eventually realize what is important.
It's crazy the people life throws at you in a time of need.
I'm so greatful fot that.
Friday night was a lot of fun.
I felt like a grown up b/c we all kinda dressed up, went to Chad's and had a wine & cheese party.
It was good.
Lots of long talks, tears, and wine wine wine.
Saturday was a rough day. I had to do something that was SO hard.
more tears. It's never fun to see you have hurt someone, eventho he saw a week or so before how much he hurt me. =/
Coming up I'm going to be busy as hell with school.
I got the internship i wanted!! I will be designing ads for USC newspaper and magazine.
Going to school full time, internship, and a job. wow. thank goodness it's only for 4 months.
Life is looking up.
I'm optimistic.

if you are going to assume this is about you, then it is. if you dont think it is, then it's not. it's just a general, everything i've been thinking lately. not meant to hurt anyone. think what you want.
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