This is probably the best word... ever . Imagine using it in a string of curses! Brilliant!
Holy crap, I can't believe I move in 2 days. I suppose that means I should tackle some of the crap in the basement tonight and wash all my laundry. I did get all my video games [except the old school ones] and movies packed yesterday which is a good 7 or 8 boxes at least.
I heard back from Canada's Worst Driver; apparently they're interested in Jenn. LOL... imagine.. us on TV... Nope. Can't.
Becca bought me a homo fridge magnet in Banff wrapped in [5] layers of Yellow Pages wrapping that looks like an old school drawn picture with two guys in a car with one guy on his phone and a speech bubble that says 'Guess what mom, I FINALLY got married'. Good times. First fridge decoration for the new house!!
What else is new? Oh, i got an email from Bryan today; Secret Broadcast has split up. I'm sad! I guess the bass player and lead singer were fighting and keeping him out of the loop but they're broken up now. Oh well, as long as he's happy!