Feb 16, 2010 08:46

AGH I am PISSING with rage at the retarded drivers this morning. I got cut off... how many times this morning?? I lost fucking count. Coming down the ramp from 16th onto Barlow some dumbfuck Jetta just merges right fuckin over and almost crashes right the fuck into me. I was so angry by this point I followed him on the horn the entire fucking time around the corner until I turned off. OH MY GOD I AM RAGING HARD TODAY.

So I did get the day off yesterday for Family Day; my boss okay'd it on the weekend which was nice cuz I got to hang out with Chris longer and I was also taking care of Kirsten's house and lollipop licker dog. Now I have to work til 2 on Friday but meh... I don't really care that much. I had better go start work as I was a few minutes late. I'll blame it on the bad drivers. Yeah.

driving, rage, adam's life, family day, housesitting

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