
Mar 29, 2009 18:49

One thing I really hate... plagiarism.

I have a classmate who turned in his homework and quite interestingly enough, it was all copied and pasted from Wikipedia. I mean even the links were there! To make matters worse, he used my paper to format his, so he left in two of my sources that had NO correlation at all to his paper. One was the Cisco VoIP book I've been reading. I really want to make the comment, so what did you think about the book? Or, as my husband suggest, 'well, I can see you well versed in Wikipedia and your copy and pasting skills are spot-on!'

I am still really t'd off with my professor. We're halfway through the class and he only graded 1 paper. When he graded that paper (in week 3) he decided to put requirements that were not listed, thus meaning my grade is a 75% based on one paper. I have no idea whether I am doing assignments correctly or not. He posted the syllabus a week after class started and just gave us his "lecture notes" for Wk. 1 which came out of the book!!!!

Yeah. I'm upset and I really don't like this professor at all.

I think tomorrow I'm going to sit in the student services office until I get someone to help.
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