Snert. I love Vala using the 'quality time' against Sam. bwaaa hahaha Poor Cam, all alone with the General. Although I did hate Sam snarking at Vala like that. She could at least pretend to listen, *then* snark. ;)
Okay, if the really really cool 'stang is Cam's, then where's General Landry's car?
Landry always saying relax crazily reminds me of a Gyn exam. aaaaiiieeeee!!!!!!!lolol
Vala punching the DHD, then not hitting the red thingie makes me wonder how long you have to push all the buttons once you've started.
The storm washed out the road into town. bwaaaa hahahahaha Poor Cam!! *snicker, snort*
Love Landry yelling at Cam for asking about a chopper, then telling him he had already called.
I'll bet Jack has a hidden camera so he and Landry can laugh their asses off at poor, defenceless Colonels.
Well, it's not a duck, Cam. So now we're supposed to be thinking those leech-type things are already on earth?
And if the Ori control those planets they were on, they why can the SG still go there?
Cam is siding with the bear? Or just not against it. And why is he wearing a leather jacket? Doesn't he look more like a deer that way? Just asking.
Aha, now we see how they got onto the Ori controlled planets. Cloaking devices. And really not surprised that someone's using one in Monnesota.
Agent Barrett called? Guess he's better now? That was quick.
So, the hunters saw something moving, and decided to shoot at it? Cause it's always a good idea to shoot at something you don't know about while there're eight million people running around. *rolls eyes*
Oh shit! The sherrif!
I love love Cam! hee, See, he also gets annoyed with Vala-probably-but surrepticiously corrects her. hmm...... He really is a good leader. *luffs him*
Did Teal'c not mention it took a grenade to kill the last one?
Okay, who else knew there were two? *raises hand*
The end was very cute. Loved it. :D:D
Okay first-number one, two, and three of Atlantis going off world together? Not quite so smart.
Yay Teyla!! I am so glad someone finally brought up the idea that they're not really ancients. In fact, I'm surprised SGA assumed that so quickly.
Gorgeous, big city. Although-city. eek!
Is this going to be like the 'Guns'r'Us' episode, except with Weir? So far, lots with the pretty, and some good one-liners with the team, but not so much with the general liking of this episode.
I wonder, if a jumper dials a gate, can the control room find the coordinates?
Those fuckers!! They spilled! They were in on it with the wraith!
Poor Atlantis. *cries* It's so beautiful. :(
And I'll bet they fucked with the gate so that everyone has to go to that other crappy place.
Oh shit, even worse, the evil mutant legos have the code to Atlantis.
COOL!!!! STAR DRIVE!! (OMG, I'm a geek, aren't I?)
Right, but, as with every other really cool ship/thing they've come across, they'll blow it to smithereens.
But at least they're flying there, and not gating. More time for the team to think of something.
What's with the whole SGA and the ethical issues things? Cause, really. So, this is going to be a similar dilemma to the wraith 'people', adn we are supposed to discuss the difference between the two situations? hmm...
John bugging Rodney reminds me of Space Academy, where I was a mission scientist. We had a certain time we had to get everything done, and we didn't because the mission control chick kept BUGGING ME EVERY FIVE SECONDS! argh! lol
Oooh, Weir, you evil wench, dangling ascension in front of the dude.
Wow, can you imagine the inertial dampeners needed for that whole huge city??
Aaaaand how many think that at least one of the nasty nano dudes survived? Well, we didn't need to think that because we left the other dude out there. At least the gate is blown, though, isn't it? It was in the main area.
YAY, another enemy. *rolls eyes*
Too bad the one dude got reprogrammed. I kinda liked him.
Right, so the biological components of the dude would die, and the little nano things would run out of energy? Maybe?