Okay, Vala and Daniel are so a couple now.
I love that they throw in the Welsh.
Anyone else thinking that this town looks a lot like the one Daniel and Vala were in last year? Just take out the trees in the middle, put in a little pan to burn people in, and WHAMMO, new town.
"This place is dead'er than a Texas salad bar." bwaaaaa hahahahahahahaha WAAAAY too funny! Cause, well, it's kinda true. lolol
Is it me, or does the show every so often look like it kind of slows down for a few seconds.
Ack, Vala fell into the 'gotta talk since the head shrink is quiet' trap.
This Ackerman dude pisses me off. Whine whine whine.
BTW, if they're looking for an ancient device, shouldn't they have someone with the ATA gene? Do we know if anyone else on the team has one? Oh, I guess the dude with the gene would be Ackerman?
That is crap! Patients with various levels of consciousness can respond to all sorts of stimuli. grrr....
So this is why they made a big deal of the other team being tired? Okay, that was kind of a lame schtick.
But Vala's not being a wench! She's being a good girl. Well, for her, anyway.
And I was liking the IOC guy last Atlantis, but now, bringing up Vala's history when she's trying to do good-well that's just wrong. Jerk. Like they really care.
BTW, anyone else think Morgana was the first Ori?
Just gonna throw in here that I'm glad we have a mission centric episode. Yes, the Ori are somewhat involved, but at least this one has some other problems, as well.
Gross!! They're growing gant bugs in their head!!
Evil IOC guy made them do the lie detector test. Asshole. Look, he's grinning smugly.
But one would think that Vala would be good at cheating stuff like that. But of course, she's never really encountered it before...
She could take the offer, then never tell them. Or take the offer, and tell Landry about it, and they feed them false intel.
JoeBob? Junior? Oh honey, you are southern, aren't you?
Please tell me they aren't either going to 'A' kill the one alive thing, or 'B' make an antidote out of lizard blood. Methinks lizard blood=anaphylaxis for the humans.
Yay, we knew they'd do well. But if Atlantis has the intel, then why can't they just ask for it? Why do they have to go there? Besides the pretty pretty pictures it makes! mmmm.......
Love love Vala. And look, Dan is making Cam be nice to Vala. Oh, and okay, I take back what I said about the IOC guy.
Mikey? Why didn't I catch that earlier? And please don't say he eats anything. Please please please.
heeeee! A new ship! Aaaaannnnnd they'll break this one, too, won't they? sigh.
Have I mentioned that I really like the theme music to SGA? Nope? Well, I do.
OhMyGOD, they piggy backed the Daedelus under the hive ship! Didn't realize it was quite that huge. Was wondering how they were going to get it back.
See, now I hate the IOC dude again.
Crap!! Someone came to the door, and I missed the jerk talking to Elizabeth. And some of the JohnandRodney!show.
Man, I really really hate it that they're trying to fake them out again.
Now Carson wants to be left there by himself? Okay, that's going to end badly. I hate it when they do this shit. And why is Michael's hair the only one that is brown?
Anyone else think Woolsey (aka IOC guy) is kind of like the political officer in a communist area? And he certainly acts like that.
Can't they use a lifesigns detector to find him?
Interesting that they killed their own guy...Yep, they must be human. *rolls eyes*
(Aside: Why can't these shows just be about fun? Or just interesting? Etc? Why can't it be fun and cool, and not too worrisome?)
Yep, and here comes the 'I told you so.' Although, could you just leave things that *looked* like humans?
ahhh...he's using the wraith!voice on Carson. So, as opposed to the force, which works best on the weak minded, the wraith!voice works best on the ~smarter people? And, um, if the ship responds to the wraith, even from afar, then why are they leaving Rodey alone on the ship? Poor Rodney. lol
Wondering why they couldn't have hit the camp with the puddle jumper weapons.
ooh, and NOW they've destroyed a hive ship, aaaaand......a puddle jumper? NO, they saved the jumper! For once, not killing a ship!
So, the count so far is:
SHIPS:2 ATLANTIS:1 this episode
SHIPS: 5 ATLANTIS:4 this season
This season=Daedelus, Orion, Hive ship, John's 302, puddlejumper (only counting ones the Atlanteans have had control of)
Someone tell me if I'm missing any ships so far this season.
Liked Telya being a captain. Liked John bucking it up, and shooting. Even though it annoyed me because he's sometimes too naive for his own good, liked Carson still trying to defend the 'human' wraiths. And we are *so* going to see Michael again.
BTW, still like the SG1 theme song, as well. ;)